My app is Digital Recipe Sidekick. It's

Here's a quick description:
The DRS is a practical kitchen gadget that helps you collect and
follow recipes. It has a cookbook that you can edit directly and
easily expand. It also has an interactive recipe reader, which you
control with voice commands so that you can remain focused on cooking
and don’t have to awkwardly stop to look at a recipe.

I developed it because there are many cooking apps in the world, but
none are really useful. My complains about the other cooking app are:
Who wants to meticulously track the inventory of your pantry? or why
be limited to a hand full of recipes someone picked out? or do I
really want my nice expensive G-phone to get all sticky as I try to
scroll while cooking some cookies? My app attempts to solve all these
problems by being voice controlled and editable.

As for App development. My experience can be summed up as: Overjoyed
when Google made something incredibly easy, and frustrated at all the
many Android APIs and methods I had to learn.
 For example, Preferences: really easy, Starting the Speech
Recognition: easy, Deploying/debugging/emulating: easy and quite
helpful, properties and raw files: easy, Setting up a database: easy,
using clipboard: easy, activities and intents, no issues really
 Hard: Making the UI look the way I want: For example, if you have one
button that has "fill_parent" and a second button that is in the same
layout, but has the "min_width" field set, how come the Android UI
never shows the second button. There were many, many instances, where
I had to do trial and error to get the UI to look good. Oh and there
is XML vs Code configuration where you can't do the all the operations
in code that you can in xml.
 Making the Speech work well: Google let me down, you really can't
control the speech Recognition very well.
 Database: No support for Object to Relational Mapping, so I had to
code all that myself, which was painful.

ADC experience: great! They gave me plenty of time. I had time to test
but only on my phone. It greatly altered my development cycle though.
Normally, I would have released early and then gotten feedback, but
instead since I was developing for the challenge, I had to hold back
my work for months and just imagine what the users will say. I'm
curious to see how my app will be liked by users, so far only a
handful have seen it.

I look forward to seeing and testing everyone else's apps. I'm excited
to see all the games and augmented reality stuff everyone is doing.



On Sep 2, 9:54 am, Rud <> wrote:
> Simon,
> No, I agree with you about the calm. My game is into ADC2 and I'll see
> what happens with it. I do look forward to hearing people's reactions
> and what they find. I will put it on the market Real Soon Now. I'm a
> pro-developer having started in 1968 but since I am retired there is
> not a lot of pressure behind this effort. I was able to have fun doing
> the work. If more comes then so be it.
> Rud
> On Sep 2, 5:26 am, longhairedsi <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I think i may be alone in this.... but I like the fact that I can't
> > make any more changes to the app now it's submitted. I can move on and
> > view any mods as the next version of my app which the maket users can
> > appreciate.
> > MicroJam will apear on the market sometime soon.
> > Simon
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