Dear all,
I want to implement the transition effect ( transparent with Z axis )
when user slip the android home to change home page.
therefore, I plan to launch the new activity that is implemented by
OpenGL ES to perform this effect.
However, i encounter a problem that the screen/display is dark
momentarily when launching the OpenGL ES activity.
would you please share your experience about this issue?
thanks a lot.

BTW, here is my implement procedure for your reference.
1. Create a new activity and new a GLSurfaceView.
2. Set the theme parameter in AndroidManifest.xml to make a
transparent background for activity (android:theme="@android:style/
3. Make transparent background for GLSurfaceView (refer the API demo
source - setEGLConfigChooser)
4. Implement the setRenderer function  for GLSurfaceView.
5. in render calss, I just refer the of
API demo to add a texture on triangle and rotate.

Any help would be appreciated.

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