Yes, a web crawler, although I can't say I know much about it.
Research time I guess.

Thank you.


On Dec 22, 10:53 am, WoodManEXP <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sounds like you are talking about writing a crawler, basically :-)
> (Fooling thewebsite into believing you are just another user with a
> browser). To input Username/Password between your app and theweb
> server you will likely need to construct a Post, containing the UID
> and Password, to send to the Roger's Wireless login URL. Togetback
> the info you read the results of the Post and parse out the info from
> the returned HTML. (There may also be ssl involved if you want to keep
> the uid/pwd encrypted on the wire).
> If you are lucky there might be awebservice interface to Roger's
> Wireless(Canada) in which case you may be able to use JSON or XML or
> something else to wrap up the communications in a more structured
> form.
> If there is nowebservices interface and you will be using the
> crawler style interface you will use the org.apache.http.* interfaces
> to deal with the http communications. These packages are all in the
> Android system.
> If you have awebservices interface you will also use org.w3c.dom.*
> interfaces for XML parsing. Of if it is JSON you can use the open-
> source json. Interfaces (the sources of which you will need to include
> in your app)
> The interfaces for the DOM are in the Android system. JSON is not and
> will need to be included in your app.
> Hope this helps…
> On Dec 22, 3:18 am, Matthew Patience <>
> wrote:
> > I'm attempting to create an app that will display usageinformation
> > for customers of Roger's Wireless(Canada). I was wondering if someone
> > could point me in the right direction on how to:
> > 1) input Username and Password info directly awebtextbox to sign the
> > Customer in, from an EditText View.
> > 2) grab usageinformationin the form of text or images to display to
> > the user within the app.
> > Just a pointer in the right direction on what method(s) would do this
> > for me.

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