Tim et al,

I read both the petition and your piece, while I do agree with the
other poster that the maintaining of multiple versions is not my own
preference to approach the fragmentation, I think the petition raises
good points and Tim, I read through your whole post and could NOT
agree more to what you wrote and many of your items should be on top
of any such petition. Some of what you describe should be pretty easy
kills (comparatively :) but really impactful to our sales.

One question though: This is an open group as far as I know, right? As
much as companies do like constructive criticism (and I have seen the
Google guys definitely welcoming constructive feedback), as much can
this hurt the cause when done publicly.
I guess I am wondering if we could find a more closed format for this
discussion and such a petition, for instance only for developers who
have active apps in the market, like a Wiki or protected google doc
where folks have to go through a quick signup process. I think this
could dramatically increase not only the awareness of such a petition
but it would also come without any negative connotation when delivered
to the android team. You can always apply more "public pressure" if
you feel you don't get heard but again, my gut feel is that a compiled
weighted list signed by active developers would be quite well received
by the team.

In any case, great initiative, great points raised, I'm not trying to
kill it with this comment :)


On Feb 23, 12:27 pm, "Tim H." <timho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree that the petition should be phrased a little more 'nicely' -
> it shouldn't sound like a complaint form, even though it is ;)
> On Feb 22, 11:20 am, Streets Of Boston <flyingdutc...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > About the 325 char limit:
> > Maybe i'm a little slow, but I discovered just recently that you can
> > put a little more text into your app's description using FireFox than
> > when using IE.
> > IE adds 2 characters for each newline (\r\n), while FireFox only adds
> > 1 char (\n only).
> > (and in FireFox, the screenshots and promo-image are properly shown...
> > not so in IE).
> The fact that you are looking for those couple extra characters shows
> how ridiculously bad we need some of this stuff fixed! :) I am sure
> that Google is working on updates to the market (or I hope), but the
> market is unchanged, since its October 2008 launch - other than the
> September 2009 look refresh, with one functionality update
> (screenshots). The developer console remains unchanged, with the
> exception of being able to add screenshots and teaser images (that
> never get used)
> My short list of needed functionality/comments/recommendations:
> Give the brief description, with additional description link.
> Allow for more than two pics.. a <gasp> gallery!
> Allow for links to YOUTUBE allowing video! (you know, since there is
> an app that is built in to Google Experience phones?)
> Better USER functionality by showing them the date that the app was
> updated, not just the current version.
> Dev option to provide change history, that can be viewed by the user,
> or better yet, give each app its' own mini forum that we can moderate.
> Dev option to upload LITE and FULL versions for the same app.
> Allow dev to comment on posts, or at the very least.. let the
> developer download their OWN app for free so they can comment.
> For god sakes, update the results a little more frequently, or at the
> very least... add categories for 'today, this week, this month, all
> time' - so the same damn things aren't always displayed! I have seen
> the same 4-5 apps for each category in the 'teaser screens' since they
> launched it... half the time, those teaser apps are already in the top
> of the featured apps or top paid/free sections! The 'Top Paid' and
> 'Top Free' sections have had for the most part the same apps since
> launch. I guess it is based on all time sales? The 'Featured Apps'
> section is the only thing that seems to get updated relatively
> frequently, and these are decided upon, and having nothing/little to
> do with user feedback. I need to be able to see what apps users are
> 'buzzing' about (see what I did there).. which apps are picking up
> popularity, when big name companies/sites launch their apps - I should
> be able to find them - I can't do this stuff right now.
> More Control of content displayed - Filtering/Blacklisting apps/
> developers - nothing pisses me off more as a developer and a user than
> when I try to go in to 'Just In' and see 50 'web browser' apps from
> the same developer. If I could simply blacklist the app or developer,
> I wouldn't need to deal with this, because I wouldn't see their crap
> again. Of course, that doesn't stop them from just getting another dev
> account, but it would make it more manageable.. and these developers
> wouldn't be so sure that every android user was seeing their 50+ apps
> in 'Just In' - they'd have to work a bit harder get more display time.
> Oh, and fortunately for me, I don't care if I see risque comments,
> pics, or descriptions.. others might though. Although, the comments
> system is starting to get that 'forum kindergarten' feel.
> Fix the search! I know it's been said before, but.. this is Google.
> Why is the search results not even aware of simple spelling mistakes,
> and common search concerns. Since we get realtime search results for
> Google in 1.6+, can't the same be implemented for market searching,
> showing you realtime results as you type?
> There's so many things that seem like they would be obvious but are
> not implemented. I know this stuff takes time, and hopefully they are
> listening. Otherwise, don't update a thing.. and give us an official
> market API! :)
> OK, I have vented! :)

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