This assumes facts that, as near as I can tell, are not in evidence.
In fact, I expect they hold these cards rather close to their chest.

But we don't need to know. The point to be made here is simple (and
this could be more clear, I think):

This 30% -- which we assume is profitable in some way to Google and/or
the carriers -- is driven by the economic activity between we
developers and our customers. We think the current market is seriously
limiting this economic activity, and making that 30% smaller, and
hurting us all. We're not griping about the 30%, per se. But that 30%
is out of our profits -- for that to make sense, the market needs to
make us more efficient. We think it could do a much better job of
serving our customers and ourselves.

Remember, we have the benchmark of the iPhone here to compare with. I
can only think of two things the Android Marketplace does better -- it
doesn't claim a monopoly on app distribution, and it offers a 24-hour
refund policy. In every other aspect that comes to mind, the iPhone
app store is not just "as good", but is in fact significantly better
at accomplishing this primary mission.

I'm not saying that to demand parity! I'm saying that to demonstrate
what's possible, and the benefits available.

Now, I'm obviously too long-winded to make the point, but I think
that's what needs to be distilled around that topic.

BTW, I want that 30% to be wildly profitable for both Google and the
carriers, and drive them to heavily promote the platform and the apps
available to the platform. That 30% I give up SHOULD work out to all
our mutual advantage.

And I recognize it also subsidizes free apps. I'm quite aware of the
benefits for doing so.

But I'd be opposed to flatly taking out the reference. There needs to
be an economic connection there -- this isn't just about making us
happy, it's about making us ALL -- developers, Google, carriers, and
CUSTOMERS more successful with the platform.

On Feb 27, 11:30 am, Streets Of Boston <>

> And only a fraction of the 30% cut goes to Google for payment
> processing and running the martket infrastructure. The lion's share
> goes to the various carriers.

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