On Mar 13, 2:43 am, Mario Zechner <badlogicga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for the double post, just had to add one more thing.
> I understand that many of your are a bit angry for there being no java
> bindings at this time. But from an architectural point of view i
> totally understand Romain's comment that they want to get it right.

Indeed.. Getting it right for the consumer and official release is one
thing, but developers don't need a perfect design to build their next
gen GL 2.x engine. We just needed that 4 hour developer interim fix or
thereabout (maybe there is a little more to clean up / fix?).

There are a lot of great things about Android and I'm glad appropriate
time may be spent to get GL 2.x support done right. I've always
wondered if the Android dev team is understaffed / stretched thin at
times, but overall Android is great and I look forward to the final
release of GL2.x Java API.. Until then we can develop our next gen
titles _now_.. :)

Thanks again Mario.. This had me staying up way late... Goodness.. 7am
here.. ;)

Let me know if there is any way I can help or any additional cleanup
work required. I'll test things out more soon, but it's back GL 1.x
for at least a month or so more for me...


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