Hi Bevor,

Have you read about independent pixels (dip) in Android.

Take a look at, if you have not already done so at :

Basically, the device can lie to your app whenever you set pixels on a
device, to make your app look the same across different screen sizes
and screen pixels density.

Another way to go around your problem could be to overlay your
controls on the playing screen, this way you don't have to take them
into account in your calculation.
Check out, Replica Island in the market to see what I mean.

Good luck and keep at it :)


On 5 avr, 09:39, Bevor <andr...@pithax.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> thanks for your answer. Using heightPixels is a good idea. With it I
> could achieve my intent. I wonder if game developers would do that in
> the same manner because on the bottom of the screen I have buttons.
> These buttons have different heights on the different screen sizes
> (small, normal, large) because of auto-scaling by Android. So if I
> would use this method, I firstly have to know how much bigger are
> these button in comparison to other screen sizes to calculate an
> accurate value (And this is just an example with few elements.
> Unimaginable what to do when there are a lot of elements which should
> be aligned precisely).  That's why I think that my intent is not the
> right to solve this kind of problems. But now I have an other idea.
> Maybe I could use 3 different layouts for the 3 different sizes
> (small, normal, large). I'm new to Android and I am not that familiar
> with the possibilities yet. But I think that this solution would be
> better?
> Regards.

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