Mariano Kamp wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to generate background drawables for buttons and I am wondering if
> there is any way to specify that the button can stretch, e.g. when using
> fill_parent, but the image in it should not stretch? I want to use the extra
> space for the touch area, but not have the icons on it look all different
> and stretched beyond recognition.
> So I am basically looking for something like that:
> But of course it should work with Buttons.
> I know I could use nine patchs, but I have more than 20 icons and even if my
> ADD would allow me to do this tedious task once for every 20 images for
> every resolution I don't think I would ever change the icons afterwards
> which can't be the solution.
> Cheers,
> Mariano

you can use BitmapDrawable with any kind of gravity you like

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