You will probably not get a clear anwser from anyone. The questions is far
more complex than it looks like.

It is no problem to put the same number of polys out in OpenGL be it with
the NDK or SDK. After all it's just same OpenGL calls. The time to render
the polys (in a batch) exeeds the time of the function call overhead by
orders of magnitude. So it is usually completely neglectable.

But as soon as an application gets more complex and performs some serious
calculations(AI, Scene Graph Management, Culling, Image processing, Number
crunching, etc.) the native version will usually be much faster.

And there is another thing: Beside the fundamental problem that there
currently is no JIT Compilation.
The current dalvikvm with its compiler seems to be very basic, without doing
any optimizations - even not the most basic ones!

There is this (very good) video: Google I/O 2009 - Writing Real-Time Games
for Android <>
After I have seen it, it was clear for me I will definitely use C++ with the

For example: He is talking about the overhead of function calls "Don't use
function calls".
... So yeah we are back - before 1970 and start talking about the cost of
structured programming and the performance advantage of using only global
vars and gotos.

The garbage collection is a real problem for games. So you will spend a lot
of your time thinking how you can avoid it. Even formatting a string will
create new objects. So there are tips like: don't show the FPS!
Seriously, if you know C++ it is probably easier to manage you memory with
new and delete than to tweak your architecture to reduce/avoid garbage

It seems like if you want to program a non trivial real time game, you are
loosing all the advantages of Java. Don't use Getters and Setters, Don't use
function calls. Avoid any Abstraction, etc. SERIOUSLY?

But back to your question: The performance advantage of NDK vs SDK can be
anything from 0-10000%. It all depends.

2010/4/6 MrChaz <>

> Does anyone have any numbers showing the difference in performance
> between the NDK and SDK?
> I'm curious how much difference it makes in terms of fps / number or
> polys on the screen that kind of thing
> --
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