Hi all,

Perhaps I'm missing the boat here on something, so any advice/feedback
would be appreciated.

I have a simple app that uses a Google MapView.  Now in the layout
file for my map activity, I created an apiKey for the debug keystore
and use that.  However when I want to deploy my app, I need a seperate
apiKey for production (based on when I sign my application), correct?

What I'm wondering is how do people manage these two apiKeys.  When
developing I want to use the emulator and the debug apiKey, but when
I'm deploying / doing some integration testing with my phone, I want
to use the production apiKey.  To me, it seems that I need to remember
before compiling for production, to swap out the apiKeys in my layout
file.  A very error prone process given my bad memory.

Is there a better way to manage this?


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