That is an interesting thought.....

Although I am using the loadData method with a string each
time....There is no actual url to speak of...I have tried clearing

It's so odd...The view loads the right data, but the height reports
the original (even though the size is wildly different between loads)
for a few changes, then something causes it to re-eval, etc...

It's not consistent at all, and really annoying...if I can't depend on
this, I am not sure where to go with this current architecture....

On Apr 21, 4:24 pm, "Maps.Huge.Info (Maps API Guru)"
<> wrote:
> You might try adding a bogus parameter to the end of the URL, such as
> a random number or the time, like this:
> url.htm?x=12345
> That will most likely not bollix up the page and make the cache save
> that as a unique page.
> -John Coryat
> "Radar Now!"
> "What Zip Code?"
> --
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