
I'm very new to AndroMDA and Maven.

I tried to use AndroMDA PlugIns with Maven and generated a hibernate project 
similar to Animal Quiz Sample.

I built the animal quiz sample and placed the same xmi file into my own created 
hibernate project.

While building hibernate project only, it is creating a wrong andromda.xml 
file. Instead of </property> tag, it is writing </a>. So, manually i edited it 
and it is running.

After that, when i placed the sample animal quiz xmi file into my own sample 
hibernate project, it is giving the following erros

Please help me in this regard.

Early response is appreciable.

Thanking you


ionServiceBean.java:48: ')' expected

            throw new EJBException("DecisionServiceBean.getFirstQuestion ", new

Exception(th.toString(), th);



ionServiceBean.java:88: ')' expected

            throw new EJBException("DecisionServiceBean.getNextQuestion ", new E

xception(th.toString(), th);



ionServiceBean.java:129: ')' expected

            throw new EJBException("DecisionServiceBean.addNewAnimalWithQuestion

 ", new Exception(th.toString(), th);


3 errors


File...... E:Documents and SettingsAdministrator.EXAMPLEUSER.mavencachemave


Element... maven:reactor

Line...... 217

Column.... 9

Unable to obtain goal [multiproject:install-callback] -- E:Documents and Settin


48: <ant:javac> Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
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