On 21-04-09 11:33, Lundqvist Anders wrote:
The only toolchain that I have come across, that appears to do the trick is the 
ronetix-arm-linux-4.3.3. It actually produces working code if used with the 
-static flag, producing a 2 MB file! It actually works... :-)

arm-2007q1-10-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu does not produce 
workable code. The arm-linux-gcc-3.4.1 is perhaps too old. Other toolchains I 
have tried is on another machine which is not accessible right now.

As far as I can see, the links to the OE toolchain is broken (404). Where can I 
find a toolchain for OE (all I need is a C compiler).

I have downloaded bitbake, but all bitbake does is complaining over 
'PERSISTANT_DIR' or 'CACHE' variable. I have no idea on how to set those flags 
and where!

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