
I've been trying to build an Angstrom systemd-gnome-image Beagleboard-xM
image for the last couple weeks and have been having issues. OE builds the
image fine, and it boots up the first time without issue (standard >30
minute initial boot time), with the exception that GDM never gets loaded. I
can then log into the console and everything seems fine (on the console).
Manually starting GDM works, but autologin ALWAYS fails unless I create a
new user and log in with that account. As soon as I reboot, and try to to
log in on the console (remember GDM never starts automatically), I get the

Cannot make/remove an entry for the specified session

I can, however, boot and login if I add "single" to my kernel command line.
Examining my journal I see (repeated for every login attempt):

Aug 02 13:38:04 beagleboard login[358]: pam_unix(login:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Aug 02 13:38:04 beagleboard login[358]: pam_systemd(login:session): Failed
to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket
/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
Aug 02 13:38:04 beagleboard login[358]: Cannot make/remove an entry for the
specified session
Aug 02 13:38:04 beagleboard systemd[1]: serial-getty@ttyO2.service holdoff
time over, scheduling restart.

As far as I can tell, the problem is due to some dbus/systemd/pam-related
issue. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Here is my OE build

BB_VERSION        = "1.15.2"
TARGET_ARCH       = "arm"
TARGET_OS         = "linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE           = "beagleboard"
DISTRO            = "angstrom"
DISTRO_VERSION    = "v2012.05"
TUNE_FEATURES     = "armv7a vfp neon cortexa8"
TARGET_FPU        = "vfp-neon"
meta-angstrom     =
meta-initramfs    = "denzil:568b98668fdf11b17839e20cb917922b7d51acce"
meta-ti           = "denzil:4f684c71cc3a1624bc5fa26bfe02e963ee4b22ca"
meta-browser      = "master:c47f59df2e723495679c751cbdf6a8c6adec4b6a"
meta-ettus        = "master:5a6a642f6707dc42a5210dbbf01d2bdfd869d4b0"
meta-jawilson     = "master:7ad761d3cfe07d8f6ecc5a11592050028fe0634b"
meta              = "denzil:741146fa90f28f7ce8d82ee7f7e254872d519724"

Thank you,

Jeff Wilson
Software Engineer
Angstrom-distro-devel mailing list

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