On 2012. augusztus 6. 09:25:09 Samuel Stirtzel wrote:
> 2012/8/5 Kövesdi György <k...@teledigit.eu>:
> > Hi,
> > I tried to compile angstrom-kde-active-image for my Beagleboard. It is 
> > almost succeeded :-) when
> it looks like kdelibs4-native is using your build-hosts Qt libraries
> which are incompatible with the used KDE version.
> You could try to add qt4-native to the DEPENDS of kdelibs4-native, but
> it should be already provided.

Adding that dependency did not help.
I tried to compile it several ways, all of them are failed.

If i run the application dirctly which generated the error:


then i got the same error as it was in the build:

 ....makekdewidgets: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4: undefined 
symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv

It is not a surprise, because it should be linked against the libraries in the 
built root filesystem.
If i set the library path:


the it runs correctly. So, i think that the library path is somehow set 
incorrectly for the build of kdelibs4 (for the
cross-compilation). I found nothing special in the bb recipe, so i don't know 
where can be the problem.
Please help me to solve this.

Thanx in advance
Gyoegy Kovesdi

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