On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 03:19:00PM -0500, Michael Richardson wrote:
> Yes, AFAIK, MPTCP doesn't just appear without awareness of hearsay from folks 
> i
talked to and e.g.: the intro of draft-hesmans-mptcp-socket, and that states
for example that MP-TCP in linux kernel does seem to work without knowledge of
the (TCP) app.

Time to enable MP-TCP myself and play around with it ;-))

> Use of MPTCP implies application layer security if there are non-ACP paths.

Right. I did include that based on Brians comment into the proposed text in my
last email to Mirja.

> I think that 95% of ASAs will live in a container/network-namespace/VRF that
> sees ACP interfaces only.  Those that do not need to take care anyway.

Good question... Need to design more example ASA to know which of them
would need access to data-plane. Certainly the ones that want to monitor the
data-plane (IP-SLA like ASA).


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