Hi Toerless,

the point I'm wondering about is your point (b) below. Yes, you can set the ACP subflow to backup but that would still mean that if the other link fails, it would automatically switch over to the ACP subflow (without exposing this to the upper layer). Is that what you want? Because my understanding was rather that there are cases where you'd probably would like to know over which link the OAM packets where actually sent...?


On 08.01.2018 22:06, Toerless Eckert wrote:
Thanks, Mirja

(a) If the systems socket API does not transparently make TCP sockets
to use MPTCP, then you would want a shim library. According to
draft-hesmans-mptcp-socket, this is be the case on Apple (iOS).

(b) Making the ACP subflow not carry traffic after establishing the
data plane subflow should easily be possible possible by setting its MP_PRIO
to backup.

(c) How exactly to specify or implement the desired policy of only
establishing a subflow between the ACP addresses and the data plane addresses
(but not full-mesh) seem to be a subject for further spec work. It could
be defined as a specific in-MPTCP policy, or it could be done via a shim
library (orthogonal to (a)). draft-hesmans-mptcp-socket might be sufficient.

But in general: i would like for this (informational!) draft to just motivate
the concept and not specify the solution: MPTCP would be a simple way to
make "TCP" applications automatically "upgrade" from ACP to a data-plane path
and switch back when data-plane fails... because MP-TCP can signal the
additional data-plane addresses, establish transparently another subflow and 
traffic between the subflows - all by using the right shim-library+API or
in-MP-TCP address/subflow policies - and the ability to establish subflows
across two VRFs.


On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 05:18:54PM +0100, Mirja Kuehlewind (IETF) wrote:
Suggested replacement text last two paragraphs of 2.1.5:
A (shim) library for aplications maps TCP connections to MPTCP without the 
applications having to be aware of it.
It???s not the (shim) library/policy framework that opens/maps the TCP 
connection. MPTCP itself opens eventually multiple connections but exposes only 
one connection to the layer above. That means everything above MPTCP does not 
have any real control about which data is send over which connection.

A policy shim layer could only implement rules about which new subflows should 
be established when and what the priority is over which subflow data should be 
sent but it generally does not control which data is send of which flow. You 
can???t say I want this data to be sent over subflow one and this data to be 
sent over sub flow two.

I think what you want is actually a view on the different TCP connections and 
you try to use MPTCP only for announcing the other IP address but that is not 
what MPTCP meant to be.


Names in DNS use only the ACP IPv6 addresses of network devices. Thererefore, 
the initial MPTCP subflow will use the ACP. After it is operating, the shim 
libraries on both ends add their data-plane address (MPTCP ADD_ADDR) and 
attempt to build a new subflow between those addresses. If that (data plane) 
subflow is successfully built, the shim libraries could shift all traffic over 
this subflow which should be forwarded hardware accelerated by the network - 
and use the ACP subflow across the ACP solely for signaling - beause it is most 
resilient against failure.

This MPTCP approach is only an outline and would need to be fully speficied for 
interoperable implementations. It may also require extensions to MP-TCP. This 
mechanism must not be used without providing for encryption of subflows not 
running across the ACP.

Brian: ... can not use capital MUST NOT in an information draft (i think)


On Mon, Jan 08, 2018 at 11:30:30AM +0100, Mirja Kuehlewind (IETF) wrote:
Hi Micheal,

to clarify one part below:

Am 05.01.2018 um 23:30 schrieb Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>:

Mirja Kühlewind <i...@kuehlewind.net> wrote:
"DNS naming is set up to provide the ACP IPv6 address of network
devices.  Unbeknownst to the application, MPTCP is used.  MPTCP
mutually discovers between the NOC and network device the data-plane
address and caries all traffic across it when that MPTCP subflow
across the data-plane can be built."
Section 2.1.5 is discussion, it discusses ways in which the
anticipated low performance (compared to what the box might do with its
hardware accelerated forwarding).

If we have an application that needs the bandwidth of the native hardware,
the connection can be initated over the ACP (that's what would be in DNS).
One presumes that an MPTCP layer could then enumerate the available IPs at
each end and then start off additional flows on the other destinations.
MPTCP adda an additional TCP flow but for the application that still looks like 
one flow. As I said I???m not sure if that is what you want.


The application would have to include application security, since it would
not be protected by the ACP.

Perhaps MPTCP doesn't work this way.

However, I'm actually uncertain how this is supposed to work and what
"Unbeknownst to the application" should mean. If another address should be
signaled to the other host, this needs to be indicated by the application or at
least some kind of policy framework above MPTCP. Also MPTCP will by default use
both paths simultaneously while still looking like one connection to the
application, meaning the application has no control which path is used for
which traffic. I guess you can open a second subflow and then configure the
first subflow as backup path but I'm not sure if that's what you want (given
the application/policy framework will still not know which path is used)..?
Please provide more information about what the expected usage scenario is here.

Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
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