If its ok. with the other contributors,
i would appreciate if i could be listed as well as an editor.

Thank you

On Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 10:03:07AM +0100, Michael H. Behringer wrote:
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>     <div class="moz-cite-prefix">OK, the time for the last call is over.
>       I'll produce a -06 version, working through the following issues:
>       <br>
>       <br>
>       - Sheng's review from 18 Jan (Thanks Sheng)<br>
>       - Michael's response to Sheng's mail.<br>
>       - the author issue. I think I'll follow Brian's suggestion,
>       listing me as editor and all other co-authors under contributors.
>       At least I see no better way...<br>
>       <br>
>       I think those are all the open comments I saw. Did I miss
>       anything? <br>
>       <br>
>       Michael<br>
>       <br>
>       <br>
>       On 18/01/18 19:34, Michael Richardson wrote:<br>
>     </div>
>     <blockquote type="cite"
>       cite="mid:12959.1516300...@obiwan.sandelman.ca">
>       <pre wrap="">
> Sheng Jiang <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" 
> href="mailto:jiangsh...@huawei.com";>&lt;jiangsh...@huawei.com&gt;</a> wrote:
>     &gt; Hi, authors of anima-reference-model,
> {contributor speaking}
>     &gt; General issues:
>     &gt; 1. In section 3.1, it says "The Autonomic Control Plane (ACP) is the
>     &gt; summary of all interactions of the Autonomic Networking 
> Infrastructure
>     &gt; with other nodes and services.
>     &gt; In my understanding, the ACP itself is mostly a "channel", although
>     &gt; some ANI functions (signaling, aggregated reporting etc.) are running
>     &gt; within the channel, they should be parallel with ACP function in the
>     &gt; architecture view.
> I concur with you, I'm also confused by the word "summary"
> While we think of the ACP as the channel on which control functions occur, I
> can also see that more generically (at the Dilbert's boss' level), the ACP is
> the channel + all the interactions.  Perhaps we need a new term.
>     &gt; 1) Do you see ACP as an individual function as I understood (mostly a
>     &gt; channel), or a summary of a suite of functions running inside the 
> ACP?
> I also think it's worth thinking of the ACP as being a very special ASA that
> creates the secure channel.  Maybe that's too recursive for some people, but
> I think that doing so will encourage us to design the right management
> functions for the ACP itself.
>     &gt; 2) What functions are sub-functions of ACP, and what are in parallel
>     &gt; with ACP?
> That's a good question.
> (/me looks distantly and tries to change the subject :-)
> --
> Michael Richardson <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" 
> href="mailto:mcr+i...@sandelman.ca";>&lt;mcr+i...@sandelman.ca&gt;</a>, 
> Sandelman Software Works
>  -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-
> </pre>
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