Eliot Lear <l...@cisco.com> wrote:
    >> On 13 Jul 2019, at 17:10, Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>
    >> wrote:
    >> Signed PGP part
    >> Eliot Lear <l...@cisco.com> wrote:
    >>> I think the simplest way to address the bulk of both Adam’s and
    >>> Warren’s concern is to require the device to emit via whatever
    >>> management interface exists, upon request, a voucher that it has
    >>> signed with its own iDevID.  It would have to be nonceless with
    >>> perhaps a long expiry, and that would cover a number of other use
    >>> cases as well.  That way if the manufacturer goes out of business, or
    >>> if the owner wants to transfer the device without manufacturer
    >>> consent, there is a way forward.
    >> 1) would it have a pinned-domain-cert for the new owner, or would it
    >> be some kind of wildcard/bearer voucher?

    > Again, I think this is a matter for the seller, and also a matter for
    > the seller as to when the voucher is generated, so that it doesn’t need
    > to lie around.  I was also thinking that this would be the sort of
    > thing that could be printed out, either in a QR or OCR form, if
    > necessary.

But, the pledge has to be programmed to do the validation we describe.

    >> 2) what would the management interface be, specifically, how would it
    >> be secured?

    > The reason I mentioned CIP and Profinet in a previous message is that
    > once the device is bootstrapped, if it has a management interface, that
    > is what should be used.  Adding new services on a device is
    > undesirable. This covers the case when the manufacturer becomes
    > unavailable.  However, it should be viewed as a backstop.  See below.

I am completely unfamiliar with those protocols.
I would very much like to define a way to update voucher validation trust
anchors in that.

    > Another way to look at this would be to for the manufacturer to ping
    > the owner periodically to reconfirm ownership.  If the owner fails to
    > respond, allow another owner to transfer the device.  Or… simply ping
    > the owner when a transfer request is made.  But these require that the
    > MASA be present.

This is a good sales channel integration point, and might be a win-win for
many manufacturers and operators.
Why pay for support on devices that are no longer used?
Why generate security patches for devices no longer used?

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        |    IoT architect   [
]     m...@sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [

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