Hi, I've finished reading BRSKI-AE.
I made a pull request https://github.com/anima-wg/anima-brski-ae/pull/25
with six small suggested wording changes, two of which are aasvg hacks.

I wanted Alternative Environment (and Asynchronous Enrollment) to bold or
underline the A and E in the HTML/PDF, but it seems that I don't really know
how to do that.   I settled for *A*, which seems to result in italic, which
is really not what I expected.

I numbered the arcs in figure 3 because Request/Response repeats confused
the pattern matcher in my brain.

which alternatives does this document actually standardize?

I think that we should merge sections 4.3 and 4.4, and just say that we are
extending for CMP, and leave the rest to fend for themselves.

CA Certs request does not seem to fit BRSKI or PRM

I think that the figure 3 time sequence diagram is inconsisten with BRSKI's
choice of which operation to do when (but that might be okay), but it is also
may be inconsistent with PRM's needs.

As I wrote in issue #22, about the nice SVG that is impossible to include,
we need to figure out what are the essential pieces, and then maybe make two
or three smaller diagrams that would work.

Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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