Hi Sahal,

This is the place where Eyes Web can be found (I think all of them): 

However, while following your installation instructions, I am running into 
undeterministic issues. I installed 
ftp://ftp.infomus.org/Evaluate/EyesWeb/Legacy/EyesWeb_legacy_setup.exe (is this 
what you call "Legacy Setup"), then proceeded to install 
(my guess is this  corresponds to "EyesWeb Ver. 3 add on") and get message 
"Eyes Web 2.5 or later must be installed".

I am able to install the latest version (5) of Eyes Web, however, when I run 
your patch I get an error on load.

I would appreciate it very much if you could detail installation procedure in 
terms of links to the files on the above ftp site. 

Thanks a lot.

-----Original Message-----
From: sahAL meRchaNT <sah...@gmail.com>
To: ross.branni...@aut.ac.nz, bo...@mail.ru, thierry.cailhe...@laposte.net, 
victorjaco1...@yahoo.it, andre.hay...@gmail.com, 
animata-users@lists.kitchenbudapest.hu, Mary Rodriguez <mary...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 23:33:03 +0100
Subject: Patches - Animata+Eyes Web+MaxMSP

> Hi All,
> I finally got down to writing ans getting all my patches together...
> although they dont look like much i had a lot of organising to do.
> Find attached the patches for Animata to work with EyesWeb+MaxMSP
> I don't think the Animata mailing list stores attachments so all those who
> need the patches mailed to them personally reply to this thread.
> If the EyesWeb patch attached doesnt not work well with the latest version
> of EyesWeb I suggest uninstalling your current EyesWeb version
> =====================
> 1. Uninstall all previous versions of EyesWeb and start with a clean Install
> of the EyesWeb Legacy setup
> 2. then The EyesWeb Ver.3 & Ver.4 addons setup
> 3. then the current version of EyesWeb.
> (If you cant find any of these versions, mail me and I'll try and upload
> them somewhere for u to download)
> =====================
> Ok Now we're good to go
> For my Animata setup I use
> 1. A PC for EyesWeb and then for MaxMSP to capture OSC data
> 2. A Mac to recieve the OSC data from the PC and then finally Animata
> =====================
> *
> PC Patches
> *1. "*oscmanLive.eywx*" - This patch should work perfectly if you've
> installed all previous versions of EyesWeb. Make sure your camera is on &
> running before u start this patch. Make sure Windows has detected your
> camera. (I use a firewire port for an external camera. I havent tried an
> inbuilt cam or a webcam). Press play and wallah!!
> 2.* "UDP Receive.maxpat"* - this is a basic MaxMSP patch for stealing OSC
> data from EyesWeb. Make sure you change the IP address in the "updsend"
> object box which is now Change this to the IP address of your
> Mac where you are going to run Animata from. 7000 is the port. You can leave
> it as it is.
> You should see numbers fluctuating which means the patch is capturing OSCs
> from EyesWeb.
> =====================
> *
> MAC Patches
> *1.*"OSC_Receive Animata.maxpat"* This patch receives the OSC data from the
> *"UDP Receive.maxpat" *on the PC. Once you see numbers fluctuating you know
> alls working well. Make sure the gate is unchecked if u dont see anything
> moving. Below u will see a series of bpatchers with names like "head' ,
> "hd1rt", "hd1lt"etc.
> These are the names of the joints...
> Find attached *Animata_Joints.jpg* to see how I've named the joints.
> hd = Hand
> lg = Leg
> rt= Right
> lt  = Left
> After  you've named the joints as in the jpg, lastly on your projector
> settings you will have to flip the image so that your movements corresponds
> with your projected Animata character.
> If your projector doesnt have a flip option or you don't wish to go through
> the pain of flipping ur image just flip the names of the joints in Animata
> and interchange them. i.e. name all the joints on the right of your screen
> are "hd1rt" etc. and the ones on the left with "hd1lt" etc.
> 2. *"OSC_Scalar.maxpat"* - this is a patch that *"OSC_Receive
> Animata.maxpat"* refers to for the pictslider. Make sure this is in the same
> folder as the main patch.
> =====================
> Well thats about all there is to it.
> It should work fine if you've gone through all these steps.
> Once again thanks to the KitchenBudapest team for sharing their  patches
> with me and also a big thank you to Jan Klug my teacher at the Frank Mohr
> Instituut.
> If anyone has any more questions feel free to write to me and share your
> videos. I'm curious to see them,
> Warm regards from COLD COLD HOLLAND!!
> ---
> sahAL
> Ph.: +31611334896
> http://www.sahalmerchant.com/
> http://zamonia.blogspot.com/
> "The Biggest factor that makes you a saint is the amount of press coverage
> you get." - Tender Branson
> ATTACHMENT: application/zip (PC Patches.zip)
> ATTACHMENT: application/zip (MAC Patches.zip)
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