The Apache MINA project is pleased to announce the release of FtpServer 1.0.2.

This release fixes the issues found since the release of 1.0.1. Some
of these issues are related to the stability of running FtpServer and
thus we recommend all users to upgrade to this release. We consider
this a stable and production ready release.

We welcome you to try it out. We have tried to make it simple both to
embed within your application as well as running it standalone.

The latest release is now available here:

The change log for this release is:
* [FTPSERVER-287] - NLST: Implementation only supports listing files
in working directory [patch provided]
* [FTPSERVER-301] - XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException on db-user-manager
with res/conf/ftpd-full.xml
* [FTPSERVER-302] - Passive free port returned is not checked if it is
really free or not
* [FTPSERVER-303] - Passive data connection stuck in CLOSE_WAIT.
* [FTPSERVER-304] - The Idle Timeout set in the listener configuration
does not have any effect
* [FTPSERVER-305] - Logging filter should not convert the request
(command) to all UPPER CASE
* [FTPSERVER-308] - Unlimited user idle time incorrectly overrides
limited listener idle time
* [FTPSERVER-311] - Database Connection Issue

* [FTPSERVER-300] - Create an extensible getPassiveExternalAddress()
method in PASV command so ftp integrators can define additional ways
to obtain their 'external passive address'.
* [FTPSERVER-309] - Handle decode errors gracefully
* [FTPSERVER-310] - Keep Maven metadata when releasing FtpServer
* [FTPSERVER-313] - Upgrade to MINA 2.0.0-M6
* [FTPSERVER-314] - Replace author tags with site URL instead of mailing list

* [FTPSERVER-299] - Removed the @version tags

The full release notes can found here:

Thanks for the feedback that made this release possible!


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