
This is Willem Jiang, the chapter leader of Apache Local Community
Beijing[1], and I am beyond thrilled to share with you the joy and
excitement of ALC Beijing’s one year anniversary.

ALC Beijing was officially founded on February 27th, 2020, with a
mission of promoting Apache way and Open Source culture in China. ALC
Beijing is committed to bringing local open source enthusiasts
together by hosting events and publishing articles . By sharing open
source development experience, ALC Beijing encourages more people
(especially the university students) to participate in ASF projects.
ALC Beijing also plays a role of facilitating the mutual corporations
of ASF projects. ALC Beijing aims to advocate ASF projects by working
closely with the local developer teams to host meetups, and sharing
the Open Source governance experience of ASF by translating the policy

Over a year, ALC Beijing has reached a milestone in community culture
building. Despite the fact that due to the pandemic we were not able
to host the events in half of last year, we still managed to host 2
ALC meetups and participated in 2 co-events[2]. We have met hundreds
of Open Source enthusiasts in Beijing through these events. We also
started a local social media public account (ALC Beijing official
WeChat public account) to publish 60 articles which focus on the
interpretation of Apache Way, the latest updates of ASF projects, and
other related information about local projects. Now The account has
achieved 1,600 subscribers.

ALC Beijing also has published 9 original podcast episodes[3][4] on
its own channel, and has achieved over 4,600 plays. The podcast
included the sharing of experience from those who just graduated from
Apache Incubator, and the success stories which could encourage more
university students to participate in open source projects.

ALC Beijing further accelerated the progress of culture-building by
translating Apache 20 Anniversary documentary subtitles, Apache
Incubator Cookbook and Apache License[5] so that the enthusiasts in
China could enjoy the work with fewer language barriers.

With all the help from Apache and members, ALC Beijing is determined
to serve everyone who is interested in Open Source. We look forward to
sharing with you about more accomplishments of ALC Beijing in the near


Best regards,


Twitter: willemjiang
Weibo: 姜宁willem

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