Hi everyone,

I keep putting off posting announcements as we keep having yet a few
more things we'd like to get in place, but here's a short summary of
significant news:

## Booth at SCaLE last weekend

Last weekend, Bryan and I attended the Southern California Linux Expo
where Snowdrift.coop had a booth. For the first time, we finally had our
new design rolled out, banners, stickers, and even shirts (which need to
go out to launch donors now). See this picture an attendee posted:

## New Poster (and blog post)

Several volunteers collaborated to create what I found to be the most
effective illustration we've yet got to describe the core snowdrift
dilemma issues. Read about it and see the results:

## New Research / Feedback

We had the first version of some real user feedback via some paper
surveys at the conference prepared by Michael Siepmann, the tech-design
psychologist: http://techdesignpsych.com  Michael has offered valuable
perspective and fills a needed niche in user experience research.

## Presentation at FOSDEM this weekend

Our new Community Directory, Will "Salt" Hale (who will introduce
himself further in a blog post sometime soon) is not only making a
difference with managing our infrastructure and our new CiviCRM set up
(tool for managing contacts and such), he's also giving an introductory
talk on Snowdrift.coop in just a few hours from now at FOSDEM, the
largest free/libre/open software conference in Europe. Details:

## New Project Management Direction

We just started a new major project management process with new tools
and plans thanks to the mentorship and advice of some folks we met last
weekend. Charles Wyble of the Free Network Foundation and programmer and
general FLO advocate Brian Smith have been coaching us through using
OpenProject to sort overall milestones and efforts, create "user
stories" and come to better consensus on our priorities and directions.

All in all, we've made major progress. Thanks to all the volunteers who
have continued their help (more specific folks to acknowledge soon!). We
have lots to do, but are on track to tackle our challenges.

Please let us know your thoughts, feedback, etc. via other discussion
email lists, IRC, on the siteā€¦ whatever medium you prefer. Thanks for
staying connected and interested. Lots more exciting news coming soon!


Aaron Wolf
co-founder, Snowdrift.coop

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