Dear Colleagues,

Please save the date!

The state committee has selected March 4-5, 2016 as the date of our biennial 
state convention.  It will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn (Richmond Airport).

More details will follow within the week.

Don't forget to mark your calendar!

Sincerely Yours,

        Marc Montoni, Secretary
        Libertarian Party of Virginia
        804-592-6066 (h)
        My direct email: <>
        Home mailing address: PO Box 864, Dayton VA  22821-0864

NOTICE: This message has been intercepted by the NSA: the only branch of 
government that listens.
Peaceful Commerce With All Nations * Noninterventionism * Repeal Prohibition * 
End Government Intrusion In The Bedroom * Repeal All Gun Laws * Taxpayer 
Bailout: Repeal The Income Tax * Sound, Free-market Money & Abolish The Fed * 
End Corporate & Individual Welfare * Abolish The IRS * Privatize Transportation 
Infrastructure * Free-market Emergency Services * Minimally-regulated Migration 
* Transfer Government Schools To The Private Sector * Eliminate Regulation * 
The same amount of gold that would purchase a car in 1920 will purchase a car 
Ten ounces of gold was worth approximately $250.00 in 1920, the average price 
of a car.
Today, ten ounces of gold is worth approximately $21,000.00, the average price 
of a car. 
It is your government-printed funny money that is becoming worthless.
If big government works, why do its advocates need to defend it? 

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committee heads are all authorized to post; or you may send 
your announcements to the List Master: <>
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Libertarian Party of Virginia
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