
I'm trying to use docker_image to pull an image from my private repository 
but I keep getting this error: "Get http://: http: no Host in request URL".

Here is what my task list currently looks like:

    registry: our.docker.repo.com
    username: foo
    password: bar

- name: pull docker-jenkins image
    name: "our.docker.repo.com/jenkins:stfs"
    tag: "stfs"

...but I've tried all kinds of combinations of not specifying the tag in 
the "name" attribute, only specifying it there, specifying the 
"docker_host" attribute, specifying the "repository" attribute but I can't 
seem to get things working and I have no idea what the problem is.

I actually just now tried to change this to pull the official 
jenkinsci/jenkins image and I get the same error... so it doesn't seem to 
be related to using private repositories.

Here is the error I'm getting after turning on verbose 
output: https://gist.github.com/StFS/e275130e88c22233016282516a20b09a

I also tried turning on the "don't delete the temp files" and did the 
"explode" / "execute" thing and added print statements here and there and 
ended up finding out that the problem actually occurs inside the docker-py 
libraray but then I gave up and decided that maybe I should try asking here 
instead (I did try the IRC channel but got no answer).

Some "fun facts" I should mention:

   - I'm using vagrant to test this
   - I'm on Ubuntu using ansible
   - The virtual machine being set up is CentOS 7

Also, I logged into the vagrant machine via SSH and ran the docker commands 
corresponding to what I'm doing above (both 'docker login'/'docker pull 
our.docker.repo.com/jenkins:stfs' as well as just 'docker pull 
jenkinsci/jenkins' and they all worked fine.

Of course I've tried to google and I have found some hits for the literal 
string "Get http://: http: no Host in request URL" but they all refer to 
non-ansible things and I've been unable to figure out how to apply any 
solutions mentioned there to my particular circumstance.

So... can anybody think of anything I can do here?

Kind regards, Stefan Freyr.

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