Thank you Jordan,
So i'm using Kerberos and i'm missing the "with delegation" part.
Can you point me to how and where to configure this option ?

Thank you!

On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 12:05:41 AM UTC+2, Jordan Borean wrote:
> TLDR: for Windows to authenticate with another server (double-hop), it 
> will either need a Kerberos ticket with the delegation flag or the user's 
> actual credentials (CredSSP/become) there is no way around that. If there 
> is that is a security issue with Windows and should be fixed by Microsoft.
> CredSSP isn't really the best way to go about this. And I think this post 
>> should go on Git as Ansible needs a better way to cover double-hops.
> While I agree, it really isn't the best way to go about this and people 
> should use Kerberos with delegation instead, CredSSP is still viable in 
> some situations and in total Ansible covers 3 ways of allowing this
>    - Kerberos with delegation
>    - CredSSP
>    - Become (Ansible specific implementation)
> All 3 allow you to cover double-hops while the 3rd fix even more 
> limitations of a network process, I'll go into more detail below.
> *Background*
> The way that Windows works is that on a normal local logon, the username 
> and password is supplied to LSA who then authenticates the user. This 
> password is then available in that logon session and can be used by the 
> client to authenticate with a remote server, i.e. connecting to a fileshare 
> with the logged on credentials and so on. When authenticated with a server 
> over the network (like WinRM), it will use an auth protocol like NTLM, 
> Kerberos, CredSSP to authenticate the user and in the majority of cases the 
> password of the user is not sent to the server. When LSA creates a logon 
> session without a password (from an NTLM hash or Kerberos ticket like 
> WinRM), it is unable to do things like calculate an NTLM hash or get a 
> Kerberos ticket from the KDC in order to authenticate with another server.
> This is usually fine for things like SMB but with WinRM users may want to 
> interact with a third server to copy files like they would do locally but 
> without that local password this is impossible for Windows to do, i.e. it 
> can't calculate the NTLM hash if it doesn't have the password. In order to 
> get over this problem, you can either use CredSSP to send the password to 
> the remote server that is accessible by LSA or you can use a Kerberos 
> ticket with the delegation flag set. With either of these methods, the 
> remote server is able to authenticate with another server like you would be 
> able to do locally but is unable to delegate to a 4th server from there, 
> e.g. local -> remote -> double hop remote -> another hop remote is not 
> allowed.
> *CredSSP*
> The first option CredSSP is a protocol designed by Microsoft to allow an 
> application (A) to delegate the user's credentials to another server (B) by 
> sending the user's password as "plaintext" and not a hash. This delegation 
> means that the LSA of the remote host (B) has a copy of the plaintext 
> username and password of the user which it can then use to authenticate 
> with a third remote server (C). In general the protocol works like this
>    - The initial server response returns a HTTP 401 error with CredSSP in 
>    the WWW-Authenticate header
>    - The client sets up a TLS connection and starts the TLS Handshake 
>    which includes things like cipher suite negotiation
>    - Once the handshake is complete, the client will send either an NTLM 
>    or Kerberos token to authenticate the user
>    - After authenticating the user, the client will encrypt the server’s 
>    CredSSP public key with the authentication wrap function and send that to 
>    the server
>    - The server validates that the correct public key was used and there 
>    is no middle man in between the client and the server
>    - The server then sends it’s public key again with the first bit set 
>    to 1 also encrypted with the authentication wrap function
>    - The client will verify the public key and verify the first bit was 
>    set to 1
>    - Once both the client and server have verified each other, the client 
>    will then encrypt the username and password with the authentication wrap 
>    function and send that to the server
> As well as the steps that use the authentication wrap function to encrypt 
> the data, each step after the TLS handshake is also encrypted with the TLS 
> protocol itself, e.g. when sending the username and password it is doubly 
> encrypted (auth wrap and then TLS wrap). So the fact that the password is 
> sent over the wire is troubling (and rightly unacceptable for some) but 
> anyone snooping over the network would have a really hard time to get the 
> credentials as it would have to break both the TLS protocol encryption and 
> the auth protocol encryption (+1 more TLS encryption if running on the 
> HTTPS WinRM listener).
> *Kerberos*
> Kerberos with delegation is a slight modification of the normal Kerberos 
> process, normally the flow works like (I may be slightly wrong in some 
> steps)
>    1. User contacts the KDC (Domain Controller) to get a Ticket Granting 
>    Ticket (TGT) for their logon session (for Windows this happens on logon 
>    time)
>    2. When authenticating with a server, the client uses the TGT and 
>    sends that to the KDC alongside the server's SPN where the KDC then 
>    verifies everything is correct and sends back a service ticket and session 
>    key
>    3. The client then sends this ticket to the service and uses the 
>    session key to encrypt the data
>    4. The service then talks to the KDC to verify the client's ticket and 
>    then sends back another ticket based on the KDC response
>    5. The client then verifies this same ticket with the KDC in order to 
>    verify that the service is who they say it is
> Once this process is complete, the service has authenticated the user and 
> the user has also authenticated the server itself but this is still not 
> enough for the server to authenticate to another remote server as it does 
> not have the user's password, just a short lived Kerberos ticket. The 
> Kerberos protocol has an extension that defines a delegation flag which is 
> attached to the request in step 2 that tells the KDC the service can 
> delegate the user's credentials to another service. So when the service in 
> step 4 talks to the KDC it is able to get a TGT and use it to run the same 
> process for a remote host.
> *Become*
> The third option (with Ansible) is to use become, as the username and 
> password are sent to the server and used to create a new logon process. As 
> this means LSA then has the credentials of that account it works like it 
> would when running processes locally. This has it's own problems in itself 
> but solves more issues than what CredSSP or Kerberos with credential 
> delegation fix. I won't go into too much detail about this but become 
> pretty much changes the Ansible process to run like you would run it 
> locally.
> *Summary*
> Ultimately all 3 options allow you to authenticate with a further remote 
> host on the remote session but where Kerberos with delegation is best is 
> that you can define constrains on what servers it is able to authenticate 
> with. With constrained delegation, the remote server (B) can then use that 
> ticket to authenticate with another server (C) as long as it has been 
> allowed and not constrained in the Domain Controller.
> So in the end, if you need to authenticate with another server (double 
> hop) you are better off using Kerberos with delegation as;
>    - You can restrict the server's the credentials can be used to auth 
>    with to stop untrusted server's from getting a hash/ticket of your 
>    credentials
>    - The password itself is still never sent to the server, a special 
>    Kerberos ticket is sent instead
>    - The number of requests is less than CredSSP so the setup time can be 
>    quicker
> If you cannot use Kerberos (for whatever reason) then CredSSP can also be 
> done to achieve the same result but it does have some security implications 
> you should be aware off beforehand. When people say CredSSP is insecure, 
> that is definitely not right, you just need to be aware of the risks 
> involved and mitigate them if necessary. 
> Thanks
> Jordan

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