I want to limit the number of parllel executions for a certain task inside 
a playbook (I have some constrains with downloading artifacts)

In that way the rest of tasks wil execute in all hosts at the same time but 
when the download task executes it will be limited to batches of N.

For this I'm creating a sequence with the # of iterations needed. If I do 
this it seems to work quite well

- debug:
msg: "Sequence {{ item }} with modulus {{ (( 
ansible_play_batch.index(inventory_hostname) % (( play_hosts | length ) / 2 
)) | round) }}"
with_sequence: start=0 end={{ (( play_hosts | length ) / 2 ) | round (0, 
'floor') | int }}
pause: 5
when: "(( ansible_play_batch.index(inventory_hostname) % (( play_hosts | 
length ) / 2 )) | round) == (item | int)"


TASK [debug] 
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HP.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HQ.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HR.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
ok: [PCT2EMFR0HO.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {
"changed": false,
"item": "0",
"msg": "Sequence 0 with modulus 0.0"
skipping: [PCT2W00RDSH001.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {"changed": false, 
"item": "0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
ok: [PCT2EMFR0HP.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {
"changed": false,
"item": "1",
"msg": "Sequence 1 with modulus 1.0"
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HQ.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"1", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HO.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"1", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2W00RDSH001.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {"changed": false, 
"item": "1", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
ok: [PCT2EMFR0HR.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {
"changed": false,
"item": "1",
"msg": "Sequence 1 with modulus 1.0"
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HP.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"2", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
ok: [PCT2EMFR0HQ.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {
"changed": false,
"item": "2",
"msg": "Sequence 2 with modulus 2.0"
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HO.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"2", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HR.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"2", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
ok: [PCT2W00RDSH001.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {
"changed": false,
"item": "2",
"msg": "Sequence 2 with modulus 2.0"

But if I execute something in the remote server (in this case just a sleep 
or a download) it seems that at the end everything is executed in parallel. 
See output generated times for each task, there should be some timespan 
seconds between loop iterations

- name: Download at ratio three at most
url: http://ipv4.download.thinkbroadband.com/100MB.zip
dest: c:/ansible/100MB.zip
force: yes
# win_shell: (0..5) | foreach { 
(date).ToString("hh:mm:ss:ffff");Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
with_sequence: start=0 end={{ (( play_hosts | length ) / 2 ) | round (0, 
'floor') | int }}
when: "(( ansible_play_batch.index(inventory_hostname) % (( play_hosts | 
length ) / 2 )) | round) == (item | int)"


TASK [Download at ratio three at most] 
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HP.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HQ.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HQ.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"1", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HR.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2W00RDSH001.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {"changed": false, 
"item": "0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2W00RDSH001.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {"changed": false, 
"item": "1", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
changed: [PCT2EMFR0HP.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {"changed": true, "cmd": 
| foreach { (date).ToString(\"hh:mm:ss:ffff\");Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }", 
"delta": "0:00:06.531287", "end": "2018-02-08 10:26:58.403828", "item": "1", 
"rc": 0, "start": "2018-02-08 10:26:51.872540", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": 
[], "stdout": "11:26:52:3098\r\n11:26:53:3099\r\n11:26:54:3255\r\n
11:26:55:3255\r\n11:26:56:3411\r\n11:26:57:3411\r\n", "stdout_lines": [
"11:26:52:3098", "11:26:53:3099", "11:26:54:3255", "11:26:55:3255", 
"11:26:56:3411", "11:26:57:3411"]}
changed: [PCT2W00RDSH001.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {"changed": true, "cmd": 
"(0..5) | foreach { (date).ToString(\"hh:mm:ss:ffff\");Start-Sleep -Seconds 
1 }", "delta": "0:00:06.484390", "end": "2018-02-08 10:26:58.421047", "item": 
"2", "rc": 0, "start": "2018-02-08 10:26:51.936657", "stderr": "", 
"stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "11:26:52:3116\r\n11:26:53:3429\r\n
"stdout_lines": ["11:26:52:3116", "11:26:53:3429", "11:26:54:3585", 
"11:26:55:3585", "11:26:56:3741", "11:26:57:3898"]}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HP.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"2", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
changed: [PCT2EMFR0HQ.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {"changed": true, "cmd": 
| foreach { (date).ToString(\"hh:mm:ss:ffff\");Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }", 
"delta": "0:00:06.505370", "end": "2018-02-08 10:26:58.493954", "item": "2", 
"rc": 0, "start": "2018-02-08 10:26:51.988583", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": 
[], "stdout": "11:26:52:4271\r\n11:26:53:4332\r\n11:26:54:4349\r\n
11:26:55:4355\r\n11:26:56:4366\r\n11:26:57:4378\r\n", "stdout_lines": [
"11:26:52:4271", "11:26:53:4332", "11:26:54:4349", "11:26:55:4355", 
"11:26:56:4366", "11:26:57:4378"]}
changed: [PCT2EMFR0HO.pct2m.local] => (item=0) => {"changed": true, "cmd": 
| foreach { (date).ToString(\"hh:mm:ss:ffff\");Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }", 
"delta": "0:00:06.567788", "end": "2018-02-08 10:26:58.581462", "item": "0", 
"rc": 0, "start": "2018-02-08 10:26:52.013673", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": 
[], "stdout": "02:26:52:4824\r\n02:26:53:4933\r\n02:26:54:4943\r\n
02:26:55:4971\r\n02:26:56:5069\r\n02:26:57:5225\r\n", "stdout_lines": [
"02:26:52:4824", "02:26:53:4933", "02:26:54:4943", "02:26:55:4971", 
"02:26:56:5069", "02:26:57:5225"]}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HO.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"1", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HO.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"2", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}
changed: [PCT2EMFR0HR.pct2m.local] => (item=1) => {"changed": true, "cmd": 
| foreach { (date).ToString(\"hh:mm:ss:ffff\");Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }", 
"delta": "0:00:06.546889", "end": "2018-02-08 10:26:58.606632", "item": "1", 
"rc": 0, "start": "2018-02-08 10:26:52.059742", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": 
[], "stdout": "11:26:52:5128\r\n11:26:53:5129\r\n11:26:54:5285\r\n
11:26:55:5441\r\n11:26:56:5441\r\n11:26:57:5442\r\n", "stdout_lines": [
"11:26:52:5128", "11:26:53:5129", "11:26:54:5285", "11:26:55:5441", 
"11:26:56:5441", "11:26:57:5442"]}
skipping: [PCT2EMFR0HR.pct2m.local] => (item=2) => {"changed": false, "item": 
"2", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}

Any idea why this is happening?

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