ok, I managed to solve this, there was a problem with my install.

On Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 3:24:17 PM UTC+11, Marcos Georgopoulos wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to save some results that I have registered to a file on my 
> local machine ( that is running ansible ) The error I am getting is very 
> generic and of no use.  Below is the playbook and the resulting error
> ---
> - hosts: ios
>   gather_facts: no
>   connection: local
>   vars:
>     cli:
>        host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
>        username: cisco
>        password: cisco
>        auth_pass: cisco
>   tasks:
>     set_fact:
>       provider:
>         host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
>         username: cisco
>         password: cisco
>         auth_pass: cisco
>   - name: RUN 'SHOW RUN'
>     ios_command:
>       provider: "{{ cli }}"
>       authorize: yes
>       commands:
>         - show run 
>     register: before_base
>   - debug: var=before_base.stdout_lines
>   - name: "write to local file"
>     copy:
>       content: "{{ before_base.stdout_lines }}"
>       dest: /tmp/test
>       backup: yes
>     run_once: yes
>     delegate_to: localhost
> fatal: [ -> localhost]: FAILED! => {
>     "changed": false, 
>     "checksum": "d3b2821b4ae84267794786164cdbd16ac3752ad1", 
>     "diff": [], 
>     "failed": true, 
>     "module_stderr": "", 
>     "module_stdout": "", 
>     "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", 
>     "rc": 0
> Could someone please explain why this is failing and provide me with a way 
> to do this simple task. Many thanks.

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