 - hosts: test-servers
   user: gamesroot
   become: true
   become_user: root
   gather_facts: yes 
       mountpoint: "{{m}}"

   - shell: df -h "{{mountpoint}}" | tail -n 1 | awk {'print $5 '}  | sed 
     register: test

   - shell: rm -rf /tmp/disk.txt; touch /tmp/disk.txt
     delegate_to: localhost
   - shell: echo "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
     register: op

   - debug:
         - "{{test.stdout}}"
         - "{{ op.stdout }}"

   - name: add lines
       dest: /tmp/disk.txt 
       line: "{{ m }} HAS REACHED {{ test.stdout }} % ON {{ op.stdout }}, 
       state: present
     register: msgtxt
       - "{{ test.stdout }}"
       - "{{ op.stdout }}"
     when: test.stdout|int > 5 
   - local_action: copy content= "{{ msgtxt.results }}" dest=/tmp/disk2.txt 

I have create this , everything is working fine.. Now i am giving 
mountpoint at the run time. 
Now if i want to define more then one 1 mountpoint, how can it will compete 
the full loop for one mount point and next it will jump on second 

e.g. vars:
           - /
           - /home
           - /backup
           - /dev

On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 6:52:58 PM UTC+5:30, Thomas Hikade wrote:
> In addition you might like to print out the name of your FS which is too 
> big. For that you need the names again in the last debug loop.
> You could fix that like this, using advanced looping statement 
> "with_together" (Ansible Loops 
> <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbooks_loops.html#looping-over-parallel-sets-of-data>
> )
>   vars:
>     filesystems:
>       - /
>       - /tmp
>     size_too_big: "20"
>   tasks:
> ...
>   - name: Size is big v2
>     debug:
>       msg:  "{{ item.1 }} is too big! size={{ item.0 }} "
>     when: item.0 > size_too_big
>     with_together:
>        - "{{ test.results|map(attribute='stdout')|list }}"
>        - "{{ filesystems }}"
> This will produce the following output:
> TASK [Size is big v2] 
> **********************************************************
> ok: [demobox] => (item=[u'37', u'/']) => {
>     "item": [
>         "37",
>         "/"
>     ],
>     "msg": "/ is too big! size=37 "
> }
> ok: [demobox] => (item=[u'37', u'/tmp']) => {
>     "item": [
>         "37",
>         "/tmp"
>     ],
>     "msg": "/tmp is too big! size=37 "
> }

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