On Thu, 13 Feb 2020 08:32:08 -0800 (PST)
Anand Solomon <anand.v.solo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> sql works fine actually. No issues with that. I am getting the query 
> results. Here is the result
>     "msg": {
>         "changed": false,
>         "msg": "All items completed",
>         "results": [
>             {
>                 "ansible_facts": {
>                     "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
>                 },
>                 "ansible_loop_var": "item",
>                 "changed": false,
>                 "failed": false,
>                 "invocation": {
>                     "module_args": {
>                         "host": 
> "tstdb.cdst2lsongoi.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com",
>                         "hostname": 
> "tstdb.cdst2lsongoi.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com",
>                         "mode": "normal",
>                         "password": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER",
>                         "port": "1521",
>                         "script": null,
>                         "service_name": "tstdb",
>                         "sql": "select name from v$database;",
>                         "user": "DBUSER",
>                         "username": "DBAUSER"
>                     }
>                 },
>                 "item": {
>                     "key": "Script1",
>                     "value": "select name from v$database;"
>                 },
>                 "msg": [
>                     [
>                         "TSTDB"
>                     ]
>                 ]
>             }
> [...]
> How do I capture only the query result which is just the username ?

> >
> >       - name: Script will revoke 
> >         oracle_sql: 
> >           username: "{{ user }}" 
> >           password: "{{ password }}" 
> >           service_name: "{{ sname }}" 
> >           port: "{{ prt }}" 
> >           sqlId: "{{ hostnme }}" 
> >           sql: "{{ item.value }}' 
> >         loop: "{{ scripts|dict2items }}" 

I don't understand what "the query result which is just the username" means.
What result do you expect?

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