Thank you so very much Vlado

 if I say   

- name: Display the query results
        msg: "{{query_result.msg}}

I get the below
  "msg": "All items completed"

I couldn't get the below, what ever I put in my debug statement. Is there 
is something I should do in order to get the below messages ? Thanks again 
for your help.

                "msg": [
                        "Revoke EXECUTE on UTL_FILE from TESTDBA;"
                        "Revoke EXECUTE on UTL_FILE from TSTSCH;"

On Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 4:28:06 PM UTC-5, Vladimir Botka wrote:
> There is nothing to parse. The result is a dictionary with the attributes 
> listed in "msg". Simply access the attributes of the dictionary to "take 
> the 
> values". 
> On Thu, 13 Feb 2020 11:52:30 -0800 (PST) 
> Anand Solomon < <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > I want to parse the json output and take the values 
> > Here is the json debug output from the playbook I run, 
> > 
> > TASK [Display the query results] 
> > 
> ************************************************************************************************************
> > ok: "] => { 
> >     "msg": { 
> >                 "ansible_loop_var": "item", 
> >                 "changed": false, 
> >                 "failed": false, 
> >                 "invocation": { 
> >                     "module_args": { 
> >                         "host": 
> > "", 
> >                         "hostname": 
> > "", 
> >                         "mode": "normal", 
> >                         "password": 
> >                         "port": "1521", 
> >                         "script": null, 
> >                         "service_name": "tstdb", 
> >                         "sql": "select 'Revoke ' || privilege || ' on 
> > UTL_FILE from ' || grantee || ';' from dba_tab_privs where 
> > table_name='UTL_FILE' and grantee not like 'APEX%' and grantee != 
> > and grantee != 'DBSNMP'  order by grantee;", 
> >                         "user": "SYSDBA", 
> >                         "username": "SYSDBA" 
> >                     } 
> >                 }, 
> >                 "item": { 
> >                     "key": "Script1", 
> >                     "value": "select 'Revoke ' || privilege || ' on 
> > UTL_FILE from ' || grantee || ';' from dba_tab_privs where 
> > table_name='UTL_FILE' and grantee not like 'APEX%' and grantee != 
> > and grantee != 'DBSNMP' and grantee != 'DMSYS' and grantee != 'EXFSYS' 
> and 
> > grantee != 'MDSYS' order by grantee;" 
> >                 }, 
> >                 "msg": [ 
> >                     [ 
> >                         "Revoke EXECUTE on UTL_FILE from TESTDBA;" 
> >                     ], 
> >                     [ 
> >                         "Revoke EXECUTE on UTL_FILE from TSTSCH;" 
> >                     ] 
> >                 ] 
> >             } 
> >         ] 
> >     } 
> > } 
> > ------------------------------------------------------- 
> > I just want to get  extract the below value and pass it on to my Jinja 
> > template. 
> > 
> >                   [ 
> >                         "Revoke EXECUTE on UTL_FILE from TESTDBA;" 
> >                     ], 
> >                     [ 
> >                         "Revoke EXECUTE on UTL_FILE from TSTSCH;" 
> >                     ] 
> > 
> > Here is my Jinja template 
> > 
> >     - name: Generate Revoke Statement 
> >       copy: 
> >         dest: 
> /home/ansible/Playbooks/{{sname}}/sql/{{item.key}}_revoke.sql 
> >         content: | 
> >          spool /home/ansible/Playbooks/{{sname}}/log/{{item.key}}.log 
> >          {% for line in query_result  | flatten %} 
> >          {{ line }} 
> >          {% endfor %} 
> >          spool off; 
> >       delegate_to: localhost 
> >       connection: local 
> >       loop: "{{ scripts|dict2items }}" 

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