On 5/17/2020 7:49 AM, Vladimir Botka wrote:
> On Sun, 17 May 2020 05:37:10 -0400
> Ben Coleman <olo...@benshome.net> wrote:
>> "Don't replace this cron job if it is already in the crontab, even if it's
>> changed"
> Get the list of jobs already present
>     - name: Get list of cron jobs

> Then run the task if the job isn't present
>     - name: Create cron job


And I note that this isn't even hinted at in the cron module
documentation.  I'll file this under "It may be worthwhile to experiment
and register the results of various modules to see when they produce
when their output is registered".  Also "Perhaps module documentation
should document what is produced when you register their output".

Ben Coleman olo...@benshome.net | For the wise man, doing right trumps
http://oloryn.benshome.net/     | looking right.  For the fool, looking
Amateur Radio NJ8J              | right trumps doing right.

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