No. I'd like to remove some classes BEFORE creating cab and jar archives.
There are about 20 more folders in ${destdir.dir}.


Bevan Arps wrote:

> At 14:24 31/10/2001 -0600, you wrote:
> >I've changed "deltree" by "delete".
> >The same result.
> >No error messages.
> >All directories are still here.
> >
> ><target name="clean" depends="compile">
> >   <deltree dir="${destdir.dir}/com/futuresource/jmaf/charts/util"/>
> >   <deltree dir="${destdir.dir}/com/futuresource/jmaf/charts/*.class"/>
> >   <deltree dir="${destdir.dir}/com/futuresource/jmaf/lang/expression"/>
> >   <deltree dir="${destdir.dir}/com/futuresource/jmaf/tuple"/>
> ></target>
> These deltree lines say "delete everything under
> ${destdir.dir}/com/futuresource/jmaf/charts/util"
> Are you in fact wanting to delete everything under ${destdir.dir} instead?
> Cheers,
> Bevan.
> --
> "Programming is an Art Form that Fights Back"
> Senior OO Analyst, ACT Financial Systems
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