Also, keep in mind that when running Ant through the wrapper scripts that
your environment classpath is already available and used by Ant and all
tasks that it runs in its own VM.

Perhaps you should discuss more about what you are planning on doing with
the CLASSPATH from the environment, because its very unusual that you'd need
access to it directly and there is likely to be a more recommended way of
doing what you're trying to do.

Ant provides system properties to you, and you will have ${java.class.path}
available already if needed.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Hannes van der Merwe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 6:17 AM
Subject: Check for environment variable existence

> In my build script I setup a property with a specific classpath. Now if
> environment variable: "CLASSPATH", is set before hand I need to include
> existing classpath into the specific classpath setup in the build script.
> What is the best way to check if the environment variable: "CLASSPATH" is
> set or not?
> Hannes van der Merwe
> Momentum Employment Benefits (IT)
> Telephone : (011) 685 4306
> Fax : (011) 685 4006
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