On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Hannes van der Merwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe it is a stupid question, but how should I do that?

Probably more a sign of a flawed documentation (patches are always

First, define the classpath that you want to use and don't care for
the environment variable.  Do this at the top level.

<path id="my-classpath-without-environment">
  ...  whatever you want to put in here ...

Next, pull in all environment variables as Ant properties

<property environment="env" />

Then, make all targets that will use you custom classpath in one of
their tasks depend on the following target:

<target name="set-path"
        depends="set-path-with-env,set-path-without-env" />

If CLASSPATH has been set, we now have a property env.CLASSPATH, use
it (I assume you want to prepend it):

<target name="set-path-with-env" if="env.CLASSPATH">
  <path id="use-this-path">
    <pathelement path="${env.CLASSPATH}" />
    <pathelement refid="my-classpath-without-environment" />

If it has not been set, just use the path already defined, just give
it a different name:

<target name="set-path-with-env" unless="env.CLASSPATH">
  <path id="use-this-path">
    <pathelement refid="my-classpath-without-environment" />

And use the path named "use-this-path" in all the tasks that need it.

There is a different solution that relies on property immutability and
is a lot more compact (but maybe more difficult to understand).  Put
this outside of any target (or inside a target all your other targets
depend upon):

<property environment="env" />
<property name="env.CLASSPATH" value="" />
<path id="use-this-path">
  <pathelement path="${env.CLASSPATH}" />
  ...  whatever you want to put in here ...


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