Dear Ronald,

Thank you for your email. It's probably good to revisit this topic
publicly every now and then, so we can have something on the record for
future reference.

The RIPE community has repeatedly reminded the RIPE NCC that it has no
role to play in policing routing and no mandate to make judgments on
whether the route objects people create correspond to legitimate BGP

Given this lack of a mandate, it's hard to imagine that the community
would support the RIPE NCC unilaterally sanctioning members for
incorrect/malicious route announcements.

Despite your request, the RIPE NCC doesn't comment on its members or the
investigations it undertakes. Similarly, it has always declined to "Name
and shame" its members by discussing them on a public mailing list.

If you find inaccurate information in the RIPE Database, please use the
report form to let the RIPE NCC know. I fully trust that the RIPE NCC
staff will follow up on all cases that are properly reported and take
appropriate action. If you feel that the RIPE NCC is failing to uphold
its responsibilities as described in RIPE policies and RIPE NCC
procedural documents, please let the Board know and we will look into it.

On the other hand if you think that the RIPE NCC should get involved in
policing route object creation, that's a different discussion. In this
case it's not the Board but rather the RIPE community that you'll need
to convince.

Here you'll find that the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP) is at
your disposal - the RIPE NCC can explain how the process works and help
you to get started. You could also work with the Database Working Group
to see if there isn't a technical solution that might solve some of
these issues.

Finally, regarding your second email - RIPE NCC staff have confirmed
that they did not delete the route objects in question.


Nigel Titley
Chairman of the RIPE NCC Executive Board

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