Do any of you folks happen to have an email address for any live human
at AS24940 (Hetzner) that you could share with me?

I'd like to have a chat with anybody there who might actually give
a damn that there is a bitcoin extortion spammer now opreating, big
time, from their network.

A full description of the issue/problem is available here:

P.S.  I've tried emailing their published abuse reporting email address,
and then even filled out their annoyingly tedious web abuse reporting form.
Even that didn't help.  I got back a automated message saying that they
were trashing my report until such time as I gave them permission to
forward my report on to their customer, i.e.  the specific BITCOIN
EXTORTION SPAMMER that I was attempting to report to them.

(Apparently, Hetzner thinks that this is the Right Way to handle abuse
reports, i.e. to rat out the person making the report to the abuser, so
that the abuser will then have a fair chance to launch a DDoS attack.)

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