
It's of crucial importance at this time to realise
what happened in Afghanistan for obvious reasons.

I am amazed by this type of comment on this site.

Jimmy Carter signed for large scale Covert Operations
against Afghanistan on 3rd July 1979, six months
before the intervention. This is all from the horse's
mouth - Zbigniew Brisinski - who also wrote Carter a
note on the same day saying it would produce Soviet

We should also be aware of Krushchev's - essentially
he was trying to do a deal economically with America -
but this is far being "socio-imperialism".   
--- Rolf Martens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ---------------------------
> At 06:58 2001-12-06 -0500, Barry Stoller
> wrote:
> >AFP. 5 December 2001. Russia's dashed hopes.
> >
> >MOSCOW -- At a glance Russia has made remarkable
> progress in the 10
> >years since the Soviet Union officially ceased to
> exist...
> Your subject line should have been "40 years on...",
> Barry!
> The former socialism in the Soviet Union was not
> overthrown
> in 1991, of course, but in the late 50s / early 60s,
> and
> social-imperialism, one kind of that impossible
> capitalism too,
> established there. This it's important to see, in
> order fully to
> understand the causes of the present disaster. One
> of them
> was that typically imperialist war against
> Afghanistan, for
> instance, 1979-1989.
> One very good article on that overthrow is the
> Chinese one
> from 1964: "On Khrushchov's Phoney Communism and Its
> Historical Lessons for the World". It can be found
> on David
> Romagnolo's excellent site "Marx to Mao" at
> Also for other reasons it's important today to see
> the difference
> between actual and phony socialism.
> Rolf M. 

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