
Well I don't know why you are a member of this list.

As it happens I am not a communist.

Well yes, it was Carter and Brisinki who invaded
Afganistan in July 1979 - it's just they did it in a
Covert Operation - caused five million to flee,
devestated large parts of the country, built up a huge
para-miltary force etc. etc. This is the fairly
standard description of a country subjected to a
protracted Covert Intervention. 

It was the largest operation of the CIA since Vietnam,
millions of dollars were spent on it, and
unparralleled propaganda operations took place in its

The Soviet mistake was to try to fight a conventional
war themselves, but this, and the intervention itself,
had been the US. intention to provke. 
See the horse's mouth, Brisinski admits it, Quote "
but surely you have some regrets...",  "No, it was a
real smart idea!".

It is imperative that this is realised today and there
are no distractions from "Right-Leftists" who are in
fact doing the dirty work of imperialism.

--- Rolf Martens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ---------------------------
> At 03:27 2001-12-08 -0800, Richard Roper wrote:
> >---------------------------
> >
> >It's of crucial importance at this time to realise
> >what happened in Afghanistan for obvious reasons.
> >
> >I am amazed by this type of comment on this site.
> >
> >Jimmy Carter signed for large scale Covert
> Operations
> >against Afghanistan on 3rd July 1979, six months
> >before the intervention. This is all from the
> horse's
> >mouth - Zbigniew Brisinski - who also wrote Carter
> a
> >note on the same day saying it would produce Soviet
> >inteventionism.
> >
> >We should also be aware of Krushchev's -
> essentially
> >he was trying to do a deal economically with
> America -
> >but this is far being "socio-imperialism".
> So of course it was *Carter and Brezinski* (US)
> who invaded Afghanistan in 1979, eventually had
> 100,000+ troops there, devastated large parts
> of the country, forced some 5 millions to flee,
> etc, etc, and "not" the Soviet social-imperialists!
> Their scumbag oh-so-"communist" "friends", who
> kept applauding this "brotherly help" had nothing
> to do with this either, huh? Not one bit better than
> the US ("traditionally"-)imperialist murderers are
> those people; this it's imperative that everyone
> sees today too.
> Rolf M.

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