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U.N. Halted Probe of Officers' Alleged Role in Sex Trafficking

By Colum Lynch

UNITED NATIONS -- The United Nations quashed an investigation earlier
this year into whether U.N. police were directly involved in the
enslavement of Eastern European women in Bosnian brothels, according
to U.N. officials and internal documents.

  The decision to halt the investigation came when the U.N. Mission in
Bosnia was reeling from the disclosure that several of its police
officers had been dismissed for sexual misconduct.

  David Lamb, a former Philadelphia police officer who served as a U.N.
human rights investigator in Bosnia until April, said that in
February he began to look into allegations against six Romanian,
Fijian and Pakistani officers stationed in the town of Bijeljina.

  The most serious charges, he said, were that two Romanian policemen
had recruited Romanian women, purchased false documents for them and
then sold the women to Bosnian brothel owners.

  Within weeks, Lamb said, his preliminary inquiry found more than
enough evidence to justify a full-scale criminal investigation. But
Lamb and his colleagues said they also faced physical threats and
were repeatedly stymied in their inquiries by their superiors,
including a senior Ukrainian police officer who ordered an end to the
investigation of the Romanians' conduct.

  "I have to say there were credible witnesses, but I found a real
reluctance on the part of the United Nations . . . leadership to
investigate these allegations," Lamb said.

  U.N. officials respond that they are committed to combating
trafficking in women, but that a U.N. oversight team concluded there
was insufficient evidence of systematic police involvement in the sex
trade. They say it is difficult to penetrate the murky underworld of
the Balkans and note that the responsibility for prosecuting U.N.
police officers belongs to their home countries, not the United

  According to some human rights advocates and former U.N. employees,
the episode demonstrates the unwillingness or inability of the U.N.'s
International Police Task Force (IPTF) in Bosnia to discipline its
1,600 officers from 48 countries.

  The Washington Post reported in May that in the five years since
international police officers were sent to help restore order in
Bosnia, the U.N. police mission has faced numerous charges of
misconduct, corruption and sexual impropriety. But in nearly every
case, U.N. officials handled the allegations quietly by sending the
officers home, often without a full investigation.

  Two Americans also have filed whistleblower lawsuits alleging that
they were fired by DynCorp, a private contractor that selects U.S.
police to serve in Bosnia, because they had complained that fellow
officers were patronizing brothels and purchasing women. DynCorp
denied that the workers were fired for that reason.

  But Lamb's investigation involved the most serious allegations yet:
that some members of the IPTF directly participated in trafficking in
women for forced prostitution.

Illicit Trade

  Each year, thousands of Eastern European women, primarily from
Ukraine, Moldova and Romania, are drawn to Bosnia with offers of
employment as dancers, waitresses, bartenders or prostitutes. In some
cases, their passports are taken, and they are sold to local brothel
owners, according to human rights workers.

  "Many of them think they are on their way to Italy to work as
waitresses," said Martina Vandenberg, a researcher for Human Rights
Watch who has investigated the Bosnian sex trade. "Some know that
they will work as sex workers, but have no idea that they will be
bought and sold as chattel and forced to work essentially as slaves."

  Vandenberg said local brothel owners and Bosnian war profiteers
turned from smuggling arms to trafficking in women after the end of
the Bosnia war in 1995 and have established links to organized crime
across Europe.

  While the U.N. mission in Bosnia has taken an increasingly tough line
against local brothel owners over the past two years, Vandenberg said
it has not been "forthcoming when asked about cases of IPTF officers
involved in trafficking, either as clients or as traffickers. That
lack of transparency has sent a message that there is impunity for

  U.N. officials respond that the IPTF has conducted dozens of raids
against Bosnian brothels and has rescued more than 350 women who had
been forced to serve as prostitutes.

  After being criticized for ignoring allegations of involvement by
U.N. police and peacekeepers, Jacques Klein, the U.N. secretary
general's special representative to Bosnia, instructed his police
commissioner in June to "ensure that each case is investigated."

  But Klein also argued in a letter to the Organization for Security
Cooperation in Europe that it would be a mistake to focus on the role
of U.N. personnel as customers of brothels.

  "Placing undue and unfair emphasis on U.N. peacekeepers diverts
attention away from those ultimately responsible for trafficking. The
focus of our efforts should be on corrupt government officials and
members of organized crime who perpetrate the trade and allow it to
flourish," he wrote.

  When asked by a reporter this summer whether the United Nations had
looked into allegations involving Romanian police officers, Klein and
other U.N. officials in Bosnia denied any knowledge of an
investigation. "I have absolutely no evidence, no record, and I'm
unaware of any internal investigation into any alleged misconduct
involving a Romanian police monitor," Klein said.

  But, after weeks of denials, U.N. spokesmen in New York and Bosnia
acknowledged that the Romanians had been the subject of internal U.N.
inquiries. Confidential U.N. documents and interviews revealed that
Romanian officers had been investigated by Lamb, then by a Canadian
officer, by the Romanian government and finally by the Office of
Internal Oversight, the U.N.'s chief anti-corruption unit.

  Lamb outlined his findings in e-mails and a memo to the regional U.N.
headquarters in Sarajevo. In an e-mail sent March 28 to five U.N.
officers, he identified a Romanian, Constantin Dumitrescu, as one of
five U.N. police officers who "were in some way linked to allegations
of involvement in prostitution and women trafficking."

  Lamb said his findings were based largely on interviews with Bosnian
police sources and women who had fled from brothels and were awaiting
deportation to their homelands.

  The women said a Romanian officer and his wife were involved in the
recruitment and sale of women, working out of a brothel near the
Bosnian town of Zvornik. Lamb said investigators initially thought
the officer was Dumitrescu, but further investigation shifted
suspicion to a second Romanian officer, Julian Boros.

  The United Nations has denied requests for interviews with Dumitrescu
and Boros.


  Another internal memo, written March 18 by one of Lamb's
investigators, Pablo Badie of Argentina, said Boros admitted buying
working documents from the Romanian embassy for two women but warned
him to halt the inquiry.

  "Stop immediately anything against Romanians," Boros told Badie,
according to the memo. "Do not mess with me, neither with my
colleague Dumitrescu. I'll not tell you more, but I think you can
guess what can happen."

  Rosario Ioanna, a Canadian officer, was assigned by the U.N. police's
internal affairs bureau to follow up on the findings of Lamb and
Badie. The confidential internal affairs report alleges that the
Romanian officers sought to impede Ioanna's investigation, to remove
four trafficking victims from police custody and to intimidate them
during questioning.

  Ioanna and Badie obtained a list from a trafficking victim of about
10 other Romanian officers who were patronizing brothels. Ioanna
described a meeting at a Bijeljina cafe with two informants,
identified in U.N. documents as Mr. S and Mr. P, who charged that
Romanian officers served both as traffickers and as informers for
local brothel owners.

  In return for tipping off the brothels about police raids, one of the
Romanians "was given a farm vehicle to work his farmland back in his
country," the two informants told Ioanna, according to a March 19
report for the U.N. internal affairs Discipline and Internal
Investigation Section.

  Ioanna also told colleagues that the U.N.'s local brass had sought to
shut down his investigation and let the Romanian government decide
whether its officers were guilty. The U.N.'s Ukrainian police chief
of staff, Oleh Savchenko, ordered him to ignore the Romanians and to
limit his investigation to less serious charges of sexual misconduct
-- primarily soliciting prostitutes -- against five policemen from
Fiji and Pakistan, according to Lamb and two other people familiar
with Ioanna's account.

  The relatively minor accusations against four of the five officers,
including the Pakistani station commander, were "substantiated" and
the officers were sent home, according to a U.N. report. The fifth
officer left the mission.

  But the more serious charges languished.


  In the meantime, some of the officers under investigation accused
Ioanna and Badie of having sexual relations with local translators. A
preliminary internal inquiry into the investigators' activities found
no wrongdoing, according to U.N. officials.

  Lamb believes the accusations were retaliation of a crude but common

  "This is the third case that I am aware of in which human rights
officers have found themselves under fire for reporting or
investigating IPTF involvement in prostitution/women trafficking," he
wrote in an e-mail March 8 to Donald Haney, an IPTF officer who was
conducting the inquiry.

  Neither Savchenko nor Ioanna responded to requests for comment.
Attempts to reach Badie in Bosnia and through his family in Argentina
were unsuccessful.

  The Office of Internal Oversight sent two investigators from New York
to Bosnia on June 26 to conduct a preliminary inquiry into wider
allegations of U.N. police involvement in sexual trafficking. The
inquiry was requested by Mary Robinson, the U.N.'s high commissioner
for human rights, and other senior U.N. officials to determine
whether a formal investigation was warranted. 

  The investigators never contacted Lamb. Nor did they speak with U.N.
police whistleblowers, such as Kathryn Bolkovac, an American officer
who has accused U.N. police of complicity in sexual trafficking and
is suing DynCorp. The company denied that Bolkovac was dismissed for
pursuing the allegations.

  Most importantly, the women who had initially made the allegations --
the key witnesses -- had left Bosnia.

  On July 6, the oversight team reported that there were insufficient
grounds to move ahead with a full-blown criminal investigation,
according to the U.N.'s chief spokesman, Fred Eckhard.

  "There will be no investigation," Eckhard said. "They did not find
any evidence of systematic or organized involvement in human
trafficking. They did make a number of recommendations of how the
U.N. police could strengthen their role in combating human

  Marius Dragolea, chargé d'affaires at Romania's mission to the United
Nations, said a team from Romania's Interior Ministry also went to
Bosnia in June to investigate rumors of Romanian police involvement
in sexual trafficking. He said it concluded the allegations were

  "If these allegations were unhappily proved to be right, all those
involved would be punished," Dragolea said. "Up to now, we have no
evidence . . . of illegal activities concerning Romanian police. This
is a conclusion also reached by the leadership of the IPTF."

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