

Turkey to oppose Greek part of Cyprus EU entry 

The Turkish Cypriot defence and external relations minister Tashin
Ertugruloglu said, "the Turks are going to react strongly if Cyprus
enters the UE". During his visit to Madrid, Mr Ertugruloglu assured that
the Turkish Cypriot government would intervene in the affair if only the
recognised part of Cyprus enters officially the UE. 

The Turkish people will also be opposing strongly this entry: "We will
not accept it and we will react strongly against. There will be
repercussions that will not please anybody: neither the UE, the Greek
Cypriots nor ourselves. We are not threatening, but if the deal reached
is not to the interest of everybody, we will all regret it." Mr
Ertugruloglu said. He explained that it was still early to talk of what
kind of action could be taken, although it was not excluded that this
could be military one. 

Turkey had said that it might annex the northern part of Cyprus if only
the Greek part is admitted in the EU. However, sources close to the
Greek representation told EUobserver that "this would be a very serious
and illegal act, and would surely hinder Turkey's entry into the EU". 

The government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is not
recognised by the EU and the UN or any other country with the exception
of Turkey itself. Tashin Ertugruloglu insisted from his position of
minister of defence and external relations that this territory of the
Mediterranean island is "under the Cypriot legitimacy and not Greek." He
also said that the Turkish Cypriots are in a disadvantaged position
compared to the Greek Cypriots, as their identity is not recognised. 

The Turkish Cypriot minister also rejected the announcement of the
European Union that Greek Cypriots have the right to the houses that
they left when they fled from the northern part of the island. He said
that "it was not only the Greeks who lost their properties in the North;
also the Turks of the South", mentioning the danger that Greek Cypriots
would start occupying houses of the Turkish Cypriots. 

The invasion of the Turkish Army in 1974 in the northern part of the
island had led to the division of Cyprus in two parts. UN led talks are
being held between the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot part in
order to find a solution between the two sides before Cyprus enters the
EU. However EU commissioner Günter Verheugen, Greek orime minister
Costas Simitis, and Danish prime mMinister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, have
said that a solution to the problem is not a precondition for the
island's accession to the EU.

Written by Sharon Spiteri
Edited by Daniela Spinant

Printet from 12.04.2002
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