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From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 12:52 PM
Subject: PWW, San Francisco: Thousands march against war, racism and poverty
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  PWW, San Francisco: Thousands march against war, racism and poverty
        From: People's Weekly World Newspaper, Fri, 26 Apr 2002
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     San Francisco: Thousands march against war, racism and poverty
                       by Herb Kaye and Gail Ryall

People's Weekly World Newspaper, Apr 27, 2002

SAN FRANCISCO ­ In the largest peace demonstration the Bay Area has seen
in many years, more than 35,000 people from all nationalities and
political persuasions rallied and marched April 20 for an end to the
real "axis of evil ­ war, racism and poverty." The demand for an end to
the slaughter and destruction in the Palestinian homeland, and to the
occupation by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,
with complicity by the Bush administration, was a dominant demand.

Thousands rallied at Dolores Park in the traditionally Latino Mission
District and then marched through several neighborhoods to a second
rally at Civic Center Plaza. Signs, banners and graphic puppets of Bush
and Sharon proclaimed the need to "End the Occupation" and "Stop the
Killings," and for the Bush administration to stop military aid to
Israel as well as ending the "war at home and abroad."

Representatives of Peace Action, the country's largest peace
organization, carried a huge balloon in the shape of a missile, showing
that the bloated military budget is shortchanging monies to meet human

Marie Harrison, columnist and managing editor of The S.F. Bay View in
Hunters Point and a community organizer with Greenaction, reminded the
audience that April 20 is also Earth Day, and that the people in her
predominantly African-American neighborhood are being killed by
pollution from two power plants. "The war is not just abroad," Harrison
said, "but it is being played out here as well."

A large delegation marched behind the banner of Jewish Voice For Peace,
a Bay Area group that has grown rapidly and initiated militant protests
at the Israeli Consulate. One marcher with the group, Osha Neumann,
said, "Twenty years ago I was with a group of Jews protesting at the
Jewish Consulate and it was lonely. I am happy that Jews, especially,
and other progressives are no longer blind to oppression" by the Israeli

Riad Morrar, a U.S. citizen born and raised in Palestine, who marched
with his family, said, "There is nothing else I can do but tell
President Bush: 'You're wrong. Stop killing my people.'"

Kate Raphael, who recently returned from a visit to a refugee camp near
Bethlehem, told of seeing holes ripped in the walls of houses and
children not being able to go to school for two months and having to do
without food, water, electricity, and yet maintaining their spirits and
pride as Palestinians.

The rally protesters, who included longtime activists from many
progressive causes and newly mobilized people, including whole families,
came from around California and other Western states. Palestinians and
Arab Americans were a large part of the crowd. Demonstrators denounced
corporations like Enron, the World Bank and capitalist globalization.
Environmentalists had a prominent presence. Signs called for an end to
the embargo on Cuba, and for an end to U.S. military involvement in the
Philippines, Puerto Rico and Colombia. A large union contingent
participated as well.

Richard Mead, president of International Longshore and Warehouse Union
Local 10 in the Bay Area, sharply criticized initiatives by the Bush
administration to promote open-ended war abroad and squelch dissent at
home in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 tragedy. He warned that, in the
wake of Sept. 11, the shipping companies and the Bush administration may
be trying to take away the union hiring hall, in the name of "national
security," in current contract negotiations that expire July 1. In case
of a possible lockout by the employers or being forced to strike, Mead
said, "I hope you will all come down to the docks in that event and help
us win our fight."

Jeff Patterson, of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, told the crowd that
Gulf War veterans are now dealing with the effects of various toxins and
diseases they brought home from that war, and that one third of the
homeless today are veterans of many wars that successive administrations
have undertaken.

Mario Santos, speaking for the Filipino community, noted that the U.S.
government is putting 2,000 more troops in the Philippines, making the
second largest military deployment in a war situation after Afghanistan.
He criticized the more than 100 years of domination by successive U.S.
governments and transnational corporations. "All it will do is
perpetuate the poverty, misery, and lack of development of the

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