
Yemen Protesters Want U.S. Ties Cut  By AHMED AL-HAJ :
Associated Press Writer
Apr 26, 2002 : 9:12 pm ET 
SAN'A, Yemen (AP) -- Yemeni police dispersed about
2,000 anti-American demonstrators who called on their
government Friday to break diplomatic ties with the
United States. 
The protesters gathered following noon prayers in the
capital, San'a, and began to march on the U.S.
Embassy, but police blocked their path. 
Demonstrations against the United States and Israel
also took place in Jordan, Bahrain and Egypt. 
The Yemeni protesters carried signs that read "We ask
for the expulsion of American military experts doing
anti-terrorism work." 
Organizers distributed a statement in the name of
"Supporters of Palestine" that condemned Yemen's
cooperation with the United States in security matters
and the U.S. training of Yemeni military and
anti-terrorism units. 
The statement asked for the U.S. Embassy to be closed,
its ambassador to be expelled and for the recall of
Yemen's ambassador to the United States. 
Yemen and the United States are cooperating in a
number of security fields, including training and the
exchange of intelligence information. The United
States is helping Yemen to modernize its immigration
computer system. 
Security in Yemen, a poor nation at the southern tip
of the Arabian peninsula, has been a top concern of
the United States since the attack on the destroyer
USS Cole in October 2000 that killed 17 American
sailors in Aden harbor. 
U.S. investigators believe the al-Qaida terrorist
group was responsible for both the Cole bombing and
the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington. 
Yemen's government has said there may be members of
al-Qaida in the country, but says their number is

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