
Washington Post

Pentagon Studies Central Asia Forces 
By Robert Burns
AP Military Writer
Tuesday, April 30, 2002; 1:58 AM 

WASHINGTON –– The Pentagon is considering ways to keep
a military "footprint" in Central Asia after U.S.
forces leave Afghanistan, but it has no plan to
establish permanent military bases, officials say.

Before the United States launched the war in
Afghanistan it had no forces based in Central Asia.

Now it has thousands in Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan,
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan –
infantry, special operations air and ground troops,
military police and intelligence analysts, along with
fighter aircraft, refueling and cargo planes, and
reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft.

A less conspicuous toehold could be kept beyond the
current war by, for example, working out long-term
agreements with governments like Kazakhstan to allow
access by the U.S. military to certain of their
airfields or to periodically train with Kazakh forces,
officials said Monday.

Another possibility is agreements that permit the U.S.
military to store equipment for use in the event of a
regional crisis. The Pentagon has had such deals with
Persian Gulf countries for years.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity,
said the Pentagon, with input from the State
Department and other agencies, is drawing up a plan
for a long-term military "footprint" in Central Asia.
The plan has not yet been presented to Defense
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld toured Central Asia last week and met with
the leaders of Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan
– each a former republic of the Soviet Union – as well
as Afghanistan.

In comments to reporters traveling with him, Rumsfeld
alluded to possibilities for the future.

"Our basic interest is to have the ability to go into
a country and have a relationship and have
understandings about our ability to land or overfly
and to do things that are of mutual benefit to each of
us," he said. "But we don't have any particular plans
for permanent bases."

When asked by U.S. soldiers in Kyrgyzstan how long
they would be there, Rumsfeld gave his stock reply: As
long as it takes to finish off al-Qaida terrorists and
the radical Taliban militia.

Once that task is completed, would the Pentagon want
to keep forces there, or nearby, to keep watch?

With the U.S. military already stretched to meet its
commitments in the Middle East, the Pacific and Europe
– not to mention a more demanding scale of effort to
defend the U.S. homeland in the wake of the Sept. 11
attacks – Rumsfeld seems disinclined to stretch them
even thinner.

But even before Sept. 11 the Pentagon was quietly
working with Central Asian nations to establish closer
ties, in many cases through partnership with the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Afghanistan and terrorism aside, the region is of
strategic importance to the United States for
geopolitical reasons, including its vast energy
resources and historic links to Russia.

For those same reasons, the U.S. military presence in
the region is watched carefully by Russia, China and

On a visit to Kazakhstan last week, Iranian President
Mohammad Khatami said the presence of American
military forces in the region was a humiliation for
those countries and a sign that America was exercising
too much influence.

Uzbekistan, among the region's most politically
influential nations, was the first to agree to U.S.
requests for temporary basing rights. A document
spelling out the legal rights and obligations of
Americans based at an Uzbek airfield was signed the
same day U.S. bombing in Afghanistan began.

More than 1,000 U.S. troops are still in Uzbekistan.

During his trip last week, Rumsfeld visited the
approximately 1,000 U.S. troops who are at Manas
airport outside the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek, along
with a similar number of allied troops. They are
flying fighter, transport, refueling and other
missions over Afghanistan – and, not coincidentally,
pumping millions of dollars into the economy of that
impoverished nation.

U.S. forces are at Manas under a one-year agreement
that will remain in effect indefinitely unless either
the United States or Kyrgyzstan gives six-months'
notice to end it, officials said.

Kazakhstan wants a broader long-term military
relationship with the United States. Although no U.S.
forces are based there, the Kazakhs are pressing the
Bush administration to negotiate a legally binding
defense agreement – possibly even a mutual defense
treaty, officials said.

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