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>Date:   Thu, 4 Jul 2002 21:28:07 -0700
>Subject:        Pentagon RESCUE ??? Open, Bloody, Questions . . .  1/3
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>X98
>Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 8:31 PM
>Subject: Pentagon RESCUE ??? Open, Bloody, Questions . . . 1/3
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Carol A. Valentine
>Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 8:18 PM
>Subject: Pentagon RESCUE ??? Open, Bloody, Questions . . . 1/3
>It was murder, actually -- with a sham "rescue" slicked over the top.
>This article has been divided up into three sections for e-mail
>purposes.  You may read the entire article at:
>* * *
>Pentagon RESCUE?
>Open, Bloody, Questions . . . 1/3
>by Carol A. Valentine
>President, Public Action, Inc.
>Entire article available 
>at:  <>
>Copyright, June, 2002
>May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes
>* * *
>"There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond comprehension."
>--  Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defense, speaking of missing
>Pentagon personnel on September 11, 2001 -- just nine hours after
>"And just as we may not rescue them from a fire, so may we not rescue
>them from a collapse [of debris] or from water or from anything that
>may destroy them."
>June 23, 2002 -- The recent movie "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man
>Behind)" deals with an important lesson -- the military has two jobs.
>The military must destroy the enemy's forces and they must ensure the
>survival of their own.  "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)"
>dramatizes a story of survival: the heroic efforts of soldiers who
>attempted to rescue their fellows who were trapped behind enemy lines
>in Mogadishu, Somalia.  The rescuers themselves become trapped, and
>they, too, needed to be rescued.
>For about 140 minutes, "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)" deals
>with how much soldiers -- from the generals down to the enlisted man
>-- care about each other.  We see soldiers risking their lives to get
>their wounded buddies, risking grenades, risking machine gun fire,
>risking rockets, risking belligerent mobs -- all to rescue other
>soldiers.  We hear dialogue that goes like this:
>"Medivac! Medivac!"
>"No man gets left behind,"
>"You all right?"
>"No man gets left behind,"
>"We won't leave you behind,"
>"If he don't get to the hospital in 1/2 hour, he's in trouble!"
>"No man gets left behind."
>At one point, two soldiers are talking about a helicopter crash.  The
>dialogue goes something like this: "There can't be any survivors,"
>says the first man.  The second replies: "We don't know that, we
>gotta go back and look!"
>At the conclusion of the movie, soldier hero Sgt. Hoot Gibson is
>asked why he risks life and limb in these military actions: Is he a
>war addict?  Hoot replies:
>"It's about the man next to you."
>Camaraderie, being a team member -- that's what the US military is about.
>Or is it?
>What would you think of a military that refused to rescue its
>soldiers from certain death -- even though those soldiers were within
>arm's reach, right in the Pentagon office building?
>What would you think of a military that publicly pretended rescue,
>but meanwhile deceitfully ensured the deaths of its own soldiers?
>What would you think of a military that gave away the its rightful
>jurisdiction over military matters to perfidious civilians, and stood
>by while the civilians let US soldiers die?
>Who would support such a military?
>As you read this article, keep in mind that on September 11, the
>Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was General Henry Hugh Shelton.
>Shelton is a former Commanding General of the 101 and 82nd Airborne
>Divisions.  He is a former Commanding General of the XVIII Airborne
>Corps, and a former Commander in Chief of the Special Operations
>Command.  It was Special Operations that conducted the "Black Hawk
>Down (Leave No Man Behind)" mission in Mogadishu, Somalia.  (See
>Shelton's career highlights at: 
>cached at:
>There's what you need to know:  On September 11, the top commander of
>the entire US military machine was intimately familiar with aircraft,
>aviation fuel fires, aircraft rescue, and the ideals depicted in
>"Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)."
>However, those who directed the 9-11 rescue at the Pentagon did these
>amazing things:
>      * They sprayed the aviation fuel fire with water.  Every
>housewife knows you don't spray water on a grease or oil fire; both
>military and civilian aviation fire fighters know you don't spray
>water on an aviation fuel fire.     * They allowed the fire to spread
>until the upper floors of the Pentagon collapsed, burying Army and
>Navy personnel in the debris and further hampering their rescue.
>      * Once the upper floors collapsed, the directors of the rescue
>flouted standard rescue procedures for collapsed buildings.
>      * While there should still have been hope of finding survivors
>alive, they used a wrecking ball to demolish sections of the building
>still standing.  Many additional tons of debris crashed down upon the
>already buried victims, almost certainly collapsing any spaces or
>voids which may have sheltering victims in the original debris.
>      * When qualified emergency medical technicians arrived by
>helicopter to rescue the victims, they were ordered to leave and
>forbidden from returning.  One wave of survivors were brought out,
>and then there were no more . . .
>      * One flimsy excuse after the other was used to stop the work and
>delay rescue operations.
>      * Civilian rescuers worked long shifts and became exhausted with
>wrongheaded methods.  Meanwhile,  thousands of able-bodied military
>personnel at nearby bases -- including those specially trained in
>putting out aviation fires -- sat and watched the drama on Tee Vee.
>      * Surviving military intelligence officers lost jurisdiction over
>military intelligence documents and those documents were collected by
>civilians not cleared to see them.
>Meanwhile, the Pentagon front office made a media spectacular of the
>fire.  Donald Rumsfeld and other Pentagon officials wrung their hands
>and cried, "How awful, how awful" for days, stoking up passions for a
>Do I believe that the well-meaning, desperate, and exhausted rescuers
>we saw on TV intended anything but the best?  No.  I believe the
>people doing the work had the very best intentions and were trying to
>save lives.   But they were relying on the leadership to make
>decisions.  They naturally followed orders as they are trained to do.
>Among the people I accuse are:
>      * Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at that time, Gen. Henry
>Hugh Shelton,
>      * Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense,
>      * Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense,
>      * Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Undersecretary/Comptroller of DoD,
>      * Secretary of the Army Thomas E. White,
>      * Other commanders of the National Military Command Center,
>      * Other "John Does" --  persons whose names remain hidden to the
>public at this time.
>Government and quasi-government sources were used, including:
>The DoD's American Forces Information Service (AFIS)
>The AFIS's Defense Visual Information Center
>The Military District of Washington
>and standard news coverage -- Associated Press, Reuters, UPI, etc.
>"And just as we may not rescue them from a fire, so may we not rescue
>them from a collapse [of debris] or from water or from anything that
>may destroy them."
>Here are the major points I will cover in Part I:
>    Aviation Fire Control Requires Foam
>Military Uses Foam On Jet Fuel Fires
>Water, Not Foam, Was Used On Pentagon Flames
>Effect Of Using Water?  Fire Continued to Spread
>Airport Firetruck Used Water Despite FAA Regulations
>Was There Really A Jet Fuel Fire?
>Military Firefighters Close To Pentagon
>Military Firefighters Fail to Show
>Pentagon Watched 9-11 On Tee Vee"911?  Help!  Pentagon Here!  Send Civilians!"
>Rumsfeld, Top Brass Knew What Was Happening
>Fire As A Media Spectacular
>Rumsfeld's Crystal Ball:  "There cannot be any survivors ..."
>Rumsfeld's Predictions Come True
>Emergency Medical Technicians Told To Get Out And Stay Out
>Air Space Not Too Restricted
>Concern For Civilians?
>Area Hospitals Puzzled By Low Number Of Surviving Victims
>Army "Supports" FBI And Fire Department
>FBI Looking For Osama's Fingerprints?
>Black Hawk Down Meets Pentagon Down
>Fire Used As Excuse To Stall Rescue
>Fire Used To Explain Deaths
>Fire, She Keep On Burn'in . . .
>Millions Of Gallons Of Water Used
>Let us begin by accepting one of the Official Truths of 9-11:
>American Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, and exploding jet fuel
>caused an inferno.  The fire obviously threatened the lives of those
>still in the building, and it threatened to spread.  It had to be put
>out quickly.
>Liquid petroleum fires present a special problem to firefighters.
>Ordinarily, water is used to douse building fires.  But liquid fuel
>floats on the top of water, giving the fuel access to oxygen.  Thus
>water does not extinguish a liquid petroleum fire.
>Special foams have been developed to extinguish liquid petroleum
>fires.  Those foams are mixtures that float on the surface of the
>fuel and cut off the oxygen, suffocating the combustion.
>If you want to know more about extinguishing fires, try:
>cached at:
>If you want to learn about aircraft rescue procedure and the routine
>use of foam, visit this page:
>In the above pages, notice the emphasis on speed in fighting fires.
>Aviation fire-and-rescue people have only about two minutes to rescue
>passengers before it is too late to help.  And foam is THE tool of
>choice because it puts out liquid fuel fires efficiently.
>If you go to the Aviation Fire Journal you will see photos of special
>foam spraying trucks used at airports, and a photo of three
>firefighters extinguishing an aircraft fire with foam.
>cached at:
>We have already seen from the above referenced Aviation Fire Journal
>webpage that foam is used to fight fires at civilian airports, but
>now let's turn our attention to what happens in military aviation.
>Visit the DoD's Defense Visual Information Center at:
>and put "rescue" in the DVIC search engine.  On March 23, 2002, I did
>that, and when I scrolled down, I found the following three photos:
>Each of them shows foam being sprayed on aviation fuel fire.  I
>cached each photo.  Here they are.
>The photo bearing the ID DMSD0001393
>is cached at:
>The text under this photo reads:
>"Two crash fire rescue Marines fight a jet fuel fire to sharpen their
>skills in the event a real fire emergency were to arise."
>The photo bearing the ID DMSD0001394
>cached at:
>The text under this photo reads:
>"Two crash fire rescue Marines fight an extremely hot jet fuel fire
>to sharpen their skills in the event a real fire emergency were to
>arise." [sic]
>The photo bearing the ID
>cached at:
>The text under this photo reads:
>"Members of a crash fire rescue team advance into a fire pit in order
>to dowse an extremely hot jet fuel fire to sharpen their skills in
>the event a real fire emergency were to arise."
>You will find more photos of military aviation firefighter training
>at the Unofficial United States Air Force Crash Rescue/Air Rescue
>Firefighter Web Site Training Page:
>You will find a wealth of similar pages by conducting your own
>Internet search or following links on the pages already cited.
>By now we have established that knowledgeable fire fighters never,
>never, never, use water to fight petroleum fires.   However, here is
>what happened:
>"Outside, the Arlington County police and fire departments arrived
>and started securing the area and pumping water on the blaze."
>("September 11 at the Pentagon," American Forces Press Service,
>October 11, 2001.
>cached at:
>at this photo from the American Forces Information Service.
>cached at:
>The caption reads:
>"Firefighters work to put out the flames moments after a hijacked
>jetliner crashed into the Pentagon at approximately 0930 on Sept. 11,
>2001.  (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Jason Ingersoll) (Released)"
>What wrong with this picture?  Well, we know military men are precise
>about keeping time.  What time did the Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon?
>Depending on the report you read, the event occurred at 9:40 a.m.
>(Time Magazine), 9:43 a.m. (CNN), or even 9:45 a.m. (Miami Herald).
>It surely would taken the Arlington Fire Department five or ten
>minutes to arrive at the Pentagon and set up the hoses.  That would
>suggest the Marine's photo was taken somewhere between 09:45 to 9:55
>a.m., fifteen minutes later than he states.
>It's an odd photo -- the much of the "water" being sprayed by the
>firetruck appears to be white out.  The jet originates from the lower
>left side of the picture, to the left of the fire truck, and the
>water fans out broadly but does not lose any of its opacity.  But
>notice that the upper floors had not yet collapsed at the time the
>photo was taken.
>But what was the result of using water to extinguish a jet fuel fire?
>Predictably, the fire continued to spread.  Soon the upper floors and
>the roof were involved, and they collapsed.  We should be surprised?
>cached at:
>The photo taken after the collapse was taken by Jason Ingersoll, the
>same Marine who took the photo of the fire truck spraying water on
>the fire at "0930."   The caption on the photo taken after the
>collapse, however, reads:
>"The pentagon [sic] in flames just minutes after a hijacked jetliner
>crashed into the building on Sept. 11, 2001. (U.S. Marine Corps photo
>by Cpl. Jason Ingersoll) (Released)" No, this second picture could
>not have been taken "just minutes" after impact.  According to
>photographic evidence the upper floors did not collapse immediately,
>and surely the Marine photographer knew exactly when he took this
>photo.  Furthermore, a CNN 9-11 time line available on the Net states:
>"10:10 a.m.: A portion of the Pentagon collapses."
>So the second
>photo was taken approximately 30 minutes after the impact event.
>Thirty minutes is not "just minutes" after impact.  Now let's return
>to the American Forces Press Service coverage:
>"Fire continued to burn the Pentagon and spread in unrenovated
>sections.  Flames ignited core materials  in the layered roof and
>were particularly difficult to get at.  Pools of aviation fuel would
>ignite occasionally and create thick black smoke over the building .
>. ."
>"AT 6:00 p.m., with the building still on fire . . ."  ("September 11
>at the Pentagon," American Forces Press Service, October 11, 2001.
>cached at:
>We have just seen that military aviation firefighters are trained to
>use foam on aviation fuel fires. Are civilian aviation firefighters
>dumb enough to use water?  No, not at all.  FAA regulations require
>civilian airports to have firetrucks equipped to spray foam, and just
>two years ago the Detroit City Airport was cited by the FAA because
>it would not follow these regulations.
>According to newspaper reports, Detroit City Airport firefighters had
>been asking airport fire department for more foam because their
>supplies were low, but for weeks the firefighters received no
>response.  Then, shortly after midnight June 21, Secret Service
>agents notified City Airport firefighters to expect First Lady
>Hillary Rodham Clinton to arrive the next day on a Lear jet.  Mrs.
>Clinton would be in Detroit for a $1,000 a person fund-raiser for New
>York Senate campaign.
>The next day the firefighters got the 150 gallons of foam they had
>been requesting.
>(Detroit News, "FAA criticizes City Airport for Violations,"  November 5, 
>cached at:
>But look at this photo from the Military District of Washington's webpage,
>cached at:
>The caption under the photo reads:
>"Fire truck 345 from Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Fire
>Department throws a stream of water into the collapsed point of
>impact as smoke billows from the Pentagon shortly after an airplane
>slammed into the west side of the building."
>Why is the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Fire Department
>spraying water on the Pentagon fire, when FAA regulations require
>airport firefighting trucks to use foam?  It is inexplicable --
>unless, of course, you consider the entire "rescue" mosaic.
>This photo shows firefighters from the Alexandria Fire Department
>spraying water on the debris.
>cached at:
>Makes one wonder, doesn't it?  Perhaps all these firefighters knew
>what we don't -- maybe there was no aviation fuel in the Pentagon
>that day . . .  no aviation fuel means no airplane, no airplane means
>no truth in the Official Story.  That's one explanation.
>Andrews Air Force Base, home of Air Force One, is 9 1/2 miles from
>the Pentagon, as the crow flies,.  Bolling Air Force Base is 1 1/2
>miles from the Pentagon, as the crow flies.  Quantico Marine Base
>(home of Marine Helicopter Squadron One) is 23 miles from the
>Pentagon, as the crow flies.
>There should have been no problem getting aviation fire fighters from
>Andrews, Bolling or Quantico to the Pentagon, pronto, to put the fire
>out and rescue their comrades.  The soldiers in "Black Hawk Down
>(Leave No Man Behind)" did not hesitate to crash through enemy lines,
>through crowds throwing grenades, through machine gun fire, rocket
>launchers, armed militia, etc., to rescue their comrades.  The
>servicemen at Andrews, Bolling, or Quantico were in friendly
>territory.  All they had to do was travel a few miles along the
>Beltway or Interstate 95.
>So did the "leave no man behind" military show up to rescue their
>Pentagon comrades?  No, it didn't happen.
>As the photo in the September 24, 2001, Business Week (pg. 47) shows,
>the US military was organized enough to have soldiers drive an
>armored personnel carrier (APC) down Wall Street in New York during
>the 9-11 crisis, but not organized enough to send military aviation
>firefighters to the Pentagon.
>On the other hand, let's not be too critical of the military response
>to the fire.  After all, the Marines did send a photographer.
>Let's take a step back and look at what was happening before disaster
>struck the headquarters of the mightiest military force on God's
>Green Earth.  Let us rely on the DoD's own news service, the American
>Forces Press Service.
>Surely AFPS had access and can give us the inside scoop.  According
>to AFPS, the morning of September 11 saw the folks at the Pentagon
>sitting around watching the WTC towers burn on Tee Vee, courtesy of
>cached at:
>When CNN announced the NYC strikes were an act of terrorism, did any
>of the couch potatoes react?  Did they say:
>"You don't suppose they'll send planes over here, do you?  After all,
>those people are terrorists, and this is the Pentagon.  We'd better
>call Andrews Air Force Base and get some air cover . . . ." ?
>No, the Pentagon couch potatoes just "exchanged shocked glances . . .
>"  And presumably continued to watch the drama unfold on CNN.  I
>wonder if they were munching on donuts or nachos as they watched?
>"911?  HELP!
>BLAM!  Flight 77 (allegedly) hits the Pentagon.  How do the couch
>potatoes respond?  The American Forces Press Service report tells us:
>"Outside, the Arlington County police and fire departments arrived
>and started securing the area and pumping water on the blaze" but
>mentions not one word about how the Arlington County Fire Department
>was alerted to the situation.
>We can imagine General Couch Potato dialing 911:
>"Hello?  911?  This is the Pentagon.  We're sitting around watching
>Tee Vee and just found out from CNN that half of our building just
>got blown away, and hey, there's a fire . . . can y'all send a few
>trucks over?  Yeah.  Its an aviation fuel fire, so make sure to spray
>water on it, orright?"
>Now some may point out that the Arlington County Fire Department has
>an agreement with the Pentagon to handle fire emergencies (SOP#OPS
>EMS 10).   Obviously this agreement was made to handle everyday fires
>started by exploding Pentagon coffee pots, or file cabinet fires.  It
>is ridiculous to suggest the Pentagon had this agreement to handle
>acts of war on the Pentagon.
>And Pentagon personnel knew that the September 11 events were acts of
>war.  They were watching CNN, and CNN had just told them.
>No, the couch potatoes should have ordered air cover over DC when the
>first news from New York broke.  And failing that, once the 9:40 a.m.
>(or 9:43, or 9:45) event occurred, the military should immediately
>have ordered military aviation firefighters to put out the blaze.
>Local civilian fire departments handle ordinary building fires.  They
>don't handle aviation fuel fires.  Local fire stations should not
>have been on the scene that day.  Their presence acted as a
>distraction.  Their presence distracted attention from the simple
>fact that no one in the Pentagon was taking proper measures to put
>the fire out.
>It might be comforting to think that Rumsfeld, Shelton, and the top
>brass were all out playing golf that day and not on hand to see what
>was going on, but that was not true.  The American Forces Press
>Service tells the story as if these were heroic lads:
>"One area never closed: the National Military Command Center.
>Rumsfeld and the senior leadership repaired to the facility and
>monitored DoD activities worldwide.  At one point, smoke grew so
>thick in the faculty that there was talk of evacuating, but Rumsfeld
>scotched it."
>What is the National Military Command Center, mentioned above?  See
>So the top commanders of each of the services were on site.  Each of
>the services uses aviators, each of the commanders HAD to know water
>does not extinguish aviation fuel fires, yet all of them let the
>farce continue.
>Had the fire been put out quickly with foam, Rumsfeld would have lost
>valuable public relations mileage.  The "stubborn" fire at the
>Pentagon was just one facet of a campaign designed to whip the
>American pubic and military into a bloodlust for a war on Islam. From
>a propaganda viewpoint, the higher the casualty list, the better.
>The American Forces Information Service describe the press gala on
>September 11 this way:
>"Across Washington Boulevard from the Pentagon, the press set up shop
>at the navy Annex Exchange gas station and broadcast the fire
>fighting activities.  With Correspondents' Corridor closed, reporters
>dictated stories using cell phones.  TV trucks with antennae showed
>up and eased some of the communications problems.
>"At 6:00 p.m, with the building still on fire, Pentagon officials
>announced Rumsfeld would have a press conference in the Pentagon.
>Buses arrived at the gas station to take reporters, photographers and
>videographers to the Pentagon.
>"Inside the River Entrance of the building the smoke hit like a
>physical force.  People could not see to the end of the hallways and
>it was tough to breathe.  The smell of burning insulation and
>electrical wiring permeated the briefing studio.
>"As Rumsfeld, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Henry
>Shelton, Senate Armed Services Committee chairman Sen. Carl Levin,
>ranking minority member Sen. John Warner, and Army Secretary Thomas
>White came into the studio, one side of the building was still on
>"Rumsfeld expressed his sorrow over the loss of life at the building ...."
>Do you believe Rumsfeld felt any grief over those he was doing nothing to 
>Missing from the media spectacular was THE key 9-11 player: the
>commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD),
>Ralph E. Eberhart; as commander of NORAD, it was Eberhart's job to
>keep American skies safe.  But Rumsfeld & Company kept Eberhart
>safely tucked away.  At 6:42 p.m. on September 11 Donald Rumsfeld
>held a national press conference.  Eberhart did not even show up then.
>Emergency rescue experts say earthquake victims who are buried in
>debris can survive up to 12 days (more below.)   Rumsfeld held his
>September 11 press conference approximately nine hours after impact.
>He made this statement:
>"There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond comprehension."
>cached at:
>How could Rumsfeld KNOW no more survivors would be found in the
>Pentagon debris, when earthquake experts give victims a 12-day chance
>of survival?  At this point, the Pentagon victims had only been
>buried nine hours.  Why the hurry to pronounce them all dead?
>Gen. Shelton was at Rumsfeld's side during this press conference.  He
>of course uttered pious statements about "barbaric terrorism carried
>out by fanatics against both civilians and military people, acts that
>have killed and maimed many innocent and decent citizens our
>country."  Oddly, however, Mr. Derring-do Shelton did not say a word
>about the rescue efforts which were murdering survivors.
>He said:
>"I will not tell you up front, I have no intentions of discussing
>today what comes next, but make no mistake about it, your armed
>forces are ready."
>Yes, our armed forces were ready, all right, Mr. Rescue Shelton.
>Ready to let civilian firemen squirt water on an aviation fuel fire
>while men died under the debris.  And you stood by and watched . . .
>you watched it going on for days . . .
>Aside from Rumsfeld, who spoke about the rescue efforts?  Sen. Carl
>Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who uttered
>this inanity: "Our intense focus on recovery and helping the injured
>and the families of those who were killed is matched only by . . .
>[rah, rah, war, war ] . . ."
>No survivors were found on September 12 and 13, or on any other day
>thereafter, just like Rumsfeld predicted.
>"As of Thursday morning [September 13], about 70 bodies had been
>removed from the buckled section of the Pentagon as search-and-rescue
>workers toiled around the clock with little hope of finding more
>survivors.  Anyone who might have survived the initial impact and
>collapse could not have survived the fire that followed."  ("Pentagon
>Says About 190 People Dead," September 13, by Robert Burns, AP
>Military Writer, Associated Press)
>Remember heat travels UP, not down.  Those still buried in the rubble
>may well have been protected from the fire above them.
>On September 14, the Pentagon announced 126 DoD personnel were dead.
>On September 15, the figure was lowered to 124 because two people had
>been double-counted.  On October 11, 2001, when President Bush spoke
>at a Pentagon memorial service, he confirmed 125 DoD deaths.
>("Memorial Service Honors Pentagon Victims," American Forces
>Information Service, Oct. 11, 2001.)
>cached at:
>Remember Rumsfeld's words on September 11:
>   "There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond comprehension."
>So Rumsfeld's predictions came true.  After the first round of
>victims escaped, there were no more survivors .  .  .  He's quite a
>clairvoyant, isn't he?  What are the statistical chances of Rumsfeld
>being 100% right in circumstances like those?
>We all know that when a person is seriously ill or injured, he must
>be given medical attention as soon as possible.  Delay may cost the
>victim's life.  That's why we have ambulances, and that's why
>ambulances have sirens.
>On September 11, three members of a Washington Hospital Center
>MedStar Transport helicopter team responded to the emergency at the
>Pentagon.  Several days later, (September 14) they were interviewed
>by Kathy Fowler of WJLA-TV (ABC-Channel 7) in the Washington, DC
>area.  Luckily, I have a copy of that interview.
>The MedStar pilot and crew were among the very first at the scene,
>according to the WJLA report.  When they arrived, they were told that
>another suicide plane was on the way and they should LEAVE.
>How does that comport with the "Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man
>Behind)" philosophy?  Here we have civilians showing up to perform
>rescues and the military (or whoever was controlling the Pentagon
>scene then) ordering them to abandon the victims on the pretext of an
>unconfirmed and unfounded report.
>The MedStar people, to their eternal credit, refused to leave.  By
>the time they did, they had helped eight victims and were taking
>another to the hospital.  Speaking of the rescued victim, one of the
>crew told Fowler on camera:
>"She hugged me three times and said thank you for saving my life."
>Then Fowler told the audience:
>"After the crew transferred one patient back to the Washington
>Hospital Center, they were not allowed to go back because of the
>restricted air
>So what we have is this: MedStar arrived and was immediately ordered
>to leave.  They refused, rescued eight people, took one to the
>hospital, and were prevented from coming back.
>Now who would prohibit a MedStar helicopter to return to the scene of
>a disaster and take victims to the hospital?  Those MedStar
>helicopters should have been given military escorts to and from the
>disaster site.  What could be more important than immediate
>professional medical care for the 9-11 victims?
>Despite what the MedStar people were told, the air space was not
>quite as restricted as the Pentagon indicated.  Here is a photo of a
>military helicopter flying over the crash site conducting "aerial
>survey." If the US military could conduct surveillance over the crash
>site, it surely could have seen to it that the MedStar helicopters
>were safely escorted to and fro.
>cached at:
>This photo shows what appears to be the same chopper, now described
>as an Army "Red Cross" helicopter.
>cached at:
> >It is of utmost importance that the injured should be moved only by
> >trained people.  Improper handling of an injured person can result
> >in his death or permanent paralysis.  In this photo, we see that the
> >Pentagon allowed the Park Police helicopter to land and do "rescue"
>work.  The Park Police are part of the National Park Service.  They
>are not trained emergency medical people.  Nor is the helicopter
>marked as an emergency medical chopper.
>Why did they stop MedStar's trained professionals but allow National
>Park Service employees to handle the injured?  Something stinks here.
>Perhaps you think that the MedStar team was chased away because those
>in charge of the crash site were concerned for the safety of
>civilians.   If so, recall that civilian firemen were present at the
>scene, using water on a petroleum-fueled fire when they should have
>been using foam.  They were not chased away.
>Some, upon learning qualified emergency medical rescue people were
>turned away from the Pentagon disaster site, may insist there "must"
>have been a good reason for keeping them out.  But a tree is judged
>by the fruit that it bears.  So let's look at the fruit.
>Area hospitals geared up to handle a large number of injured
>survivors, and were most surprised when few showed up.
>"But only about 80 people were treated at area hospitals, according
>to Walter Reed officials.  At Virginia Hospital Center in nearby
>Arlington, over 100 nurses and 50 doctors were called in -- 16 times
>the normal emergency staffing.  They treated 44 victims in the first
>24 hours, more than any other hospital in the region.  But it was a
>mere trickle compared with what they expected.  Inova Alexandria
>Hospital treated just 22 victims, 16 of whom were released Tuesday.
>Six patients were helicoptered from the Pentagon to Washington
>Hospital Center.  'We got the first wave, says Marion Jordan,
>director of the hospital's renowned burn unit.  'After than,
>nothing.'  In the end, his trauma teams treated about as many people
>as they would from a large house fire." (US News & World Report,
>Sept. 14, 2001, pg. 51)
>"In the end, his trauma teams [at the nearby Washington Hospital
>Center] treated about as many people as they would from a large house
>fire."   What's wrong with this picture?  Then, later on the same
>"Waiting for survivors:  Navy Lt. Charles McGill, 26, who had worked
>at the Pentagon for just four weeks, joined a group of people who
>calmly evacuated the massive building, then made his way around the
>perimeter to where dark, heavy smoke poured out.  He lined up to be a
>stretcher bearer.  He and his fellow volunteers, four to a board,
>were told that during these first hours only survivors would be
>moved. 'In three hours, no one came out.'" (US news & World Report,
>Sept. 14, 2001, pg. 51.)
>Repeat:  Navy Lt. Charles McGill said:
>"In three hours, no one came out."
>Then, on the next page:
>"At the Pentagon, two trauma teams remain on the scene in two triage
>tents, with the workers replaced every eight hours.  Lt. Col. James
>Goff, assistant chief of surgery at Walter Reed, says that no
>survivors have been removed from the building since the early hours
>Tuesday."  (US News and World Report, September 14, 2001, Pg. 52.)
>"[N]o survivors have been removed from the building since the early
>hours Tuesday."
>During Donald Rumsfeld's September 11 press conference, Secretary of
>the Army Thomas E. White spoke gobblegook, thus:
>"I think it's fair to say at this point that the fire is contained,
>and will shortly, if not already, be sufficiently controlled to allow
>entry into the building.  That entry will be supervised by the FBI,
>who are in charge of the site, assisted by the fire departments that
>are present.  We, on the Army side, will support them as they go in
>the building and search for casualties and bring them out . . . "
>cached at:
>What was White talking about?  Who is the "them" White is referring to?
>". . . support them as they go in the building and search for
>casualties and bring them out . . . " ? Obviously he was talking
>about FBI agents.  The FBI is going to rescue Pentagon personnel! But
>FBI agents are not medically trained, and they are not rescuers. They
>are assassins.  Look at what they did to Melissa Morrison, a
>7-year-old Davidian child, when they "rescued" her in Waco nine years
>Why would the Army transfer the rescue of Army personnel over to the
>FBI?  Why weren't soldiers and Army medics rescuing other soldiers?
>Shortly after the 9:40 a.m. event, it was announced that the
>explosion and fire was caused by American Airlines Flight 77, which
>had been commandeered by terrorists and purposely flown into the
>Pentagon -- conveniently missing the offices of Rumsfeld and the
>Joint Chiefs, of course.  Putting out the fire and rescuing the
>buried victims should have been the first order of business.  Surely
>the FBI did not need to take control over the site to look for
>fingerprints on the fuselage or other "clues." So why did the FBI
>have control of the site?
>We already know that when the 9-11 terror events were taking place,
>Gen. Shelton was out of the country.  Surely he was informed by phone
>as the events were unfolding in the US.  Surely he was in a position
>to issue commands to the armed forces:
>"Where are our people?  Buried?  The fire is still burning?  What the
>Sam Hill is going on?  Put that fire out, pronto, you know how to do
>it, and get our people out.  Leave no man behind!" By the time
>Rumsfeld gave his 6:42 press conference, Leave-No-Man-Behind Shelton
>was by Rumsfeld's and White's side, silent, when Rumsfeld told the
>world the FBI had "secured" the war zone and was supervising the
>[non-] rescue.  Remember, Shelton was a former commander of Special
>Operations Command, the "Black Hawk Down" people who performed so
>bravely in Mogadishu.
>Of course Shelton knew about the Mogadishu rescue. The story first
>appeared as a series written by Mark Bowden, and ran in the
>Philadelphia Enquirer, in 1997.  It was then published as a book.
>Here is what Leave-No Man-Behind Shelton said to the author:
>"Your account of the events in Mogadishu on October 3, 1993 is an
>inspirational and evocative retelling of one of the most significant
>military operations of the past 10 years. Though there is heroism and
>professionalism aplenty, you also bring out the errors and missed
>opportunities that contributed to the unfortunate outcome of the
>mission. Both senior leaders and young soldiers can learn much from
>this compelling story. . . . Black Hawk Down will occupy an honored
>place in my personal library."
>cached at:
>Note that Shelton does not commend Bowden for the accuracy of his
>accounting or call Bowden's story "true to history."
>You can rest assured Mr. Rescue Shelton and all the big poohbahs at
>Rumsfeld's 9-11 press conference saw the movie, too.  Eight hundred
>top Pentagon officials and military brass attended its Washington, DC
>premier.  It's hard to imagine the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
>Staff missed that event.  This from The Nation, February 25, 2002:
>"The military was so helpful in making 'Black Hawk Down' that it
>deserves a production credit.  After vetting the script, the Pentagon
>sent to Morocco (the shooting site) two C-5 transports carrying eight
>helicopters and more than 100 soldiers from the same Ranger company
>that fought in the Somalia raid depicted in the movie.  US Army
>pilots flew the helicopters in the movie's battle scenes, and two
>retired soldiers who fought in the raid served as advisers to
>director Ridley Scott.  And the Pentagon has been pleased with the
>result.  'Powerful,' Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called it
>after attending the Washington Premier along with 800 other top
>officials and brass . . ."  ("Black Hawk Downer," by Michael Massing,
>The Nation, February 25, 2002, pg. 5.)
>According to an article in Counterpunch (March 1, 2002), some "Black
>Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)" actors were given Army Ranger
>Orientation Training at Fort Benning.  ("An Actor Speaks Out --
>What's Wrong With Black Hawk Down," Counterpunch, March 1, 2002.)
>Then the director, Ridley Scott, rushed the film's release after 9-11
>(the movie was released on January 18, 2002); Scott earned a Pentagon
>commendation for doing so.  ("Black Hawk Down," Worker's World,
>January 31, 2002.)
>But what happened on September 11 at the Pentagon is in direct
>opposition to the heroism depicted in the movie.  "Black Hawk Down
>(Leave No Man Behind)" is obviously what we're supposed to believe --
>that the lives of the grunt soldiers are precious to the commanders
>of the US military.  But the observable truth, the truth that can be
>documented, is just the opposite.
>Shelton, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Zakheim and the National Military
>Command Center treated the missing Pentagon personnel as dust motes.
>"Black Hawk Down (Leave No Man Behind)" is obviously a piece of
>embroidery.  The Pentagon sham rescue is verifiable fact.
>"Search and rescue operations are continuing, but they are stymied by
>at least two fires on either side of the impact area.  Firefighters
>are directing hoses at the flames -- manifested by great plumes of
>bitter smoke -- from the center courtyard of the Pentagon."  ("No
>Hope of survivors in Pentagon Attack,"  United Press International,
>September 12, 2001.)
>Notice this observation: "Search and rescue operations are
>continuing, but they are stymied by at least two fires . . . "  Of
>course the fires "stymied" the rescue.  So why didn't they use foam?
>Two and three days after the crash, fire was still a problem at the Pentagon.
>"The Pentagon said Wednesday no more survivors are expected to be
>pulled from the tons of rubble and stubborn fires created by the
>terrorist attack that collapsed a portion of the building.
>"'The area of the Pentagon where the aircraft struck and burned
>sustained catastrophic damage.  Anyone who might have survived the
>initial impact and collapse would not have survived the fire that
>followed,' the Defense Department said in a written statement."
>("Officials say no more survivors expected to be found at Pentagon;
>smoke lingers," Associated Press, April 12, 2001.)
>So Rumsfeld and Company permitted water to be sprayed on a petroleum
>fuel fire, allowed more of the building to become involved in the
>fire, watched the upper floors collapse, ordered emergency medical
>help off the scene and failed to order military aviation firefighters
>to the scene.  Now let's have a closer look at the progress of the
>fire/media event.
>On September 12, we get these reports:
>"Fire fighters using water cannons continued to douse the charred
>building from either side of the impact area."  ("Officials say no
>more survivors expected to be found at Pentagon; smoke lingers,"
>Associated Press, September 12, 2001,
>"Smoke from the blackened concrete structure drifted over Washington
>and a stubborn roof fire continued to burn more than 24 hours after a
>high jacked fuel-laden airline slammed into a corner of the
>five-sided building on Tuesday morning."  ("Pentagon Reopens, Death
>Toll Uncertain," Reuters, September 12, 2001;
>"The damage to the Pentagon was extensive, compounded by smoke and
>water damage from tenacious fires that burned for a day and a half
>after the attack."  ("Pentagon Toll at 190," New York Times, Sept.
>14, 2001,
>cached at:
>"Late Thursday, rescuers worked to shore up unsteady parts of the
>building but flames erupted.  The flare-up sent black smoke billowing
>hundreds of feet into the air over Washington."  ("Flight Data,
>Cockpit Voice Recorders Found in Pentagon Wreckage,"  FoxNews,
>September 14, 2001,
>Late Thursday, and flames were still erupting -- that is almost 60
>hours after impact, folks.  How many building fires you've ever heard
>of last 60 hours?
>So much water had been poured into the building, the Pentagon later
>hired Munters Moisture Control Services to help get rid of it.
>"'Millions of gallons of water flowed throughout the building after
>the attack,' said Joe Kelley, Munters district manager in the
>Washington DC area. In some places water was 18 inches deep on the
>Carol A. Valentine
>President, Public Action, Inc.
>Opinion polls and survey questions help the psywarriors design more
>efficient lie campaigns.
>Don't answer opinion polls, whether they are being taken by
>establishment media or so-called "alternate" news sources. Don't
>answer opinion polls!  Don't help them fool you or your neighbor.
>Don't answer survey questions!
>911 Lies exposed at 
>*  Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
>*  Flight Of The Bumble Planes
>*  Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets
>      Parts 1 & 2, "Inside Job" and 'Dumb Blondes"
>* Sen. Levin, NORAD and Chabad Lubavitch
>*  Tooth Fairies and Suicide Bombers
>*  Church of  The Nativity: Who's Who In Staged Siege?
>*  Church Of The Nativity And Waco Paradigm
>*  Operation 911:  NO SUICIDE PILOTS
>*  Tom Clancy Speaks About 9-11
>*  Mike Rivero, Israeli Spies, and 9-11 Diversions
>*  Show And Tell, Mike Rivero
>*  The Taliban Home Video
>*  Osamarina bin Laden
>*  911 Terror:  Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics
>*  Operation Northwoods:  The Counterfeit
>*  Osama bin Surplus
>*  Osama bin CIA Agent
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