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>From:   "X98" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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>Date:   Thu, 4 Jul 2002 21:30:30 -0700
>Subject:        Pentagon RESCUE????  (Part 2 of Parts 1-4)
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>X98
>Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 8:51 PM
>Subject: Pentagon RESCUE???? (Part 2 of Parts 1-4)
>It was murder, actually -- with a sham "rescue" slicked over the
>This article has been divided up into sections for e-mail
>You may read the entire article at: 
>* * *
>Pentagon RESCUE?  Open, Bloody, Questions . . .
>by Carol A. Valentine
>President, Public Action, Inc.
>Entire article available 
>at:  <>
>Copyright, June, 2002
>May be reproduced for non-commercial purposes
>* * *
>Rescue From Collapsed Buildings
>Earthquake Victims Can Live Up To 12 Days in Rubble
>Wreckage Must be Removed Vertically
>Unstable Sections of Building Must Be Shored
>Cranes Must Be Available
>Cranes On Site September 12, 13
>Wrecking Ball Used Instead of Vertical Lifting And Shoring
>Murderous Use of Wrecking Ball
>One Excuse After Another To Stall Rescue
>Six Days Later, "Stabilization" Continues
>Civilian Rescue Workers Exhausted
>How Things Should Have Been
>Arrival of The Soda Pop Brigade
>Head Shrinking & Smoochie Poochies
>Darin Pontell Calls Home From The Grave
>Survivors Be Damned!  Pass The Money!
>Accomplices to Murder
>Black Hawk Down Revisited
>Now let's turn our attention to the subject of rescuing people
>trapped in collapsed buildings.  The Emergency Response &
>Institute (ERRI) is a crisis, conflict and emergency services
>and resource center.  It has won awards from a variety of
>security, and law enforcement organizations.  The ERRI homepage
>cached at:
>You can see the awards they have received from police and
>rescue organizations.
>cached at:
>Now let's visit the ERRI page that deals with rescues from
>collapsed buildings.
>Study these pages.  This is how the pros do it when they want to
>lives.  The ERRI will be our standard for measuring the Pentagon
>[non-] rescue.
>The Emergency Response & Research Institute tells rescuers that:
>" . . . you should remain aware of the fact that people have been
>successfully rescued alive after as much as twelve (12) days . .
>buried in the rubble of an earthquake . . . In the March, 1992
>Turkish earthquake, a 22 year old nurse was pulled from beneath a
>building collapse after eight days. She was also quoted as saying
>that she had been 'talking with her two friends,' who were also
>buried, for several days after the collapse . . . until she
>hear them anymore.'  The thought of someone remaining buried
>for several days should be enough motivation for most rescuers to
>continue with their efforts until every possible hope has been
>" . . . you should remain aware of the fact that people have been
>successfully rescued alive after as much as twelve (12) days. .
>Yet here is Rumsfeld declaring the 9-11 victims dead after nine
>hours . . .
>"There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond
>cached at:
>Rumsfeld's "it's all hopeless" statement was pulled out of thin
>He could not possibly have known whether the buried victims were
>alive or dead.
>Leadership drives men to extraordinary effort or paralyzes them
>apathy.  Rumsfeld's words seem designed to discourage any heroic
>According to the ERRI webpage, debris from a collapsed building
>cached at:
>"Most rescue experts agree that building collapse extrication
>must be
>a process of vertical removal, rather than horizontal movement or
>reduction. The safest way to remove debris from someone that is
>buried should involve carefully lifting the debris from above the
>victim and continually "shoring" the sides of the entrance hole
>excavation to ensure against additional collapse. This is a
>that is consistent with common practices used for 'trench
>"In the case of building collapses, the magnitude of the shoring
>efforts and the type of equipment necessary to perform the rescue
>be very different from normal extrication . . .
>"The importance of careful overhead lifting of debris, rather
>vertical movement, can not be emphasized enough. As many as one
>of all building collapse victims that are rescued are found in
>created by the way that building materials generally fall. Most
>the collapse configurations that occur (lean-to, A-Frame, tent,
>pancake) create 'voids' in which people may be trapped and remain
>alive. Vertical movement of debris will normally further collapse
>sides of these 'protective spaces' and can result in additional
>deaths of those that might have been rescued."
>"In order to facilitate vertical removal of debris, it may be
>essential to quickly locate and utilize various types of 'cranes'
>other types of 'overhead lift' capabilities. It is strongly
>that every rescue system have previous knowledge of and training
>the use of heavy construction equipment. Emergency dispatchers
>have access to a list of construction companies and other
>that could provide this type of equipment on a 24 hour a day
>day a week basis."
>This NPR photo shows two large cranes on the site on September
>but there is no sign that the debris is being lifted.
>cached at:
>What a photo opportunity this vertical lifting rescue operation
>make:  Cranes lifting the debris from the top, layer by layer,
>rescue workers did whatever shoring work was necessary along the
>adjacent areas.  The nation would be watching, breathless, glued
>the TV screen, waiting for news of survivors.
>Look at this photo, taken on September  13, 2001, showing the
>in front of the Pentagon debris.
>cached at:
>The caption under the photo reads "Recovery efforts continue
>13, 2001 ..." Look at the wreckage of the roof, and compare what
>see here with what was visible the previous day, September 12. It
>appears that no vertical lifting had been done from 12 to
>13. The collapsed roof line appears untouched.
>How long would it have taken those cranes to lift the debris?
>Pentagon is five stories high with a mezzanine and basement -- it
>not one of the World Trade Center Towers.  The hole made in the
>building by whatever force was just 70 feet across. (US News &
>Report, December 10, 2001, pg. 31,
>That was not a massive job.  Moreover, the Washington DC area is
>overburdened with construction companies equipped with cranes;
>the US
>military has at its command air transport planes and helicopters
>capable of moving heavy equipment from any part of the country or
>world.  Lifting off the debris vertically would have been no
>Instead of using the cranes at the site for lifting the debris
>vertically, the cranes at the site on September 12 and 13 were
>apparently used to swing a wrecking ball into the portions of the
>building still standing, to demolish those sections instead of
>shoring them up.
>That, along with spraying an (alleged) aviation fuel fire with
>was a recipe for murder.  The increased weight of new debris torn
>from the damaged building by the wrecking ball must have
>any voids in the original debris that may have been sheltering
>victims.  The result could only have crushed the victims to death
>they awaited rescue.
>"Rescue teams planned to use a wrecking ball in the collapsed
>area to
>clear away unstable rubble . . ."  ("No Hope of Survivors in
>Attack," September 12, 2001, United Press International.
>" . . . By evening [Wednesday, September 12] crews had started
>tearing down unstable parts of the building to continue their
>They hoped to have enough demolition work done by morning to
>the impact area,"  (Pentagon Says About 190 People Dead,"
>Press, September 13, 2001;
>"Rescue teams were preparing to use a large wrecking ball on the
>collapsed section to clear away unstable ruble so that four
>urban search and rescue teams of about 60 specialists each could
>access to damaged nearby areas.
>"Rescuers probed as far as they could but 'obviously in the
>areas, that will have to take place a later time, after we have
>the building safe,' Plaugher [Arlington Country Fire Chief]
>(Reuters, "Pentagon Reopens, Death Toll Uncertain," Sept. 12,
>"Crews began removing victims' remains Wednesday afternoon but
>was no word on how many bodies were recovered. By evening, crews
>started tearing down unstable parts of the building to continue
>search. They hoped to have enough demolition work done by morning
>enter the impact area . . .
>"Authorities did not rule out finding people in adjacent areas
>a wrecking ball could be used to clear unstable debris, but they
>not appear confident of that possibility . . . Pentagon officials
>acknowledged the prospects of finding anyone alive was extremely
>remote."  (Pentagon Says About 190 People Dead," September 13,
>But of course "authorities" were not "confident" of finding
>alive: they were doing everything wrong to ensure they died.
>might as well have used a flame-thrower to relieve a toothache,
>or a
>steam shovel to perform an appendectomy.
>"And just as we may not rescue them from a fire, so may we not
>them from a collapse [of debris] or from water or from anything
>may destroy them."
>One excuse after another interrupted rescue operations.
>On September 13, Thursday, 2001, a Washington area radio station,
>WGMS FM, broadcasted an interview with a Fairfax County Fire and
>Rescue worker, who said all rescue operations had been suspended,
>to a "credible" terrorist threat.
>Think about it.  On September 13, the US military had complete
>control of the perimeter of the Pentagon.  Air space was still
>closed.  How could any terrorist threat be "credible" under those
>circumstances?  This report from the New York Times corroborated
>WGMS report:
>"By late afternoon, firefighters and rescue workers had so far
>managed to remove only 70 bodies from the building, their work
>hampered first by smoke and fire, then by unstable debris and
>tense, lengthy evacuation Thursday morning, this time because of
>bomb threat.
>"Firefighters who had been working around-the-clock shifts
>how their desperate efforts had been stymied from the start by
>repeated evacuations, including some in the first frantic hours
>Tuesday when authorities believed a second attack was imminent.
>'''We were there about 14 hours straight, battling smoke in the
>But the most frustrating thing was we had to keep dropping our
>and running for our lives when we wanted to stay and save other
>lives,' said Andrea Kaiser, a firefighter from Arlington County."
>("Pentagon toll at 190,"  New York Times, September 14, 2001,
>cached at:
>"Capt. Robert F. Wirtz, also of the Arlington County Fire
>said the military authorities had twice warned that radar
>had detected airplanes headed toward the Pentagon, forcing
>to drop their hoses and axes and race from the building, raising
>question of whether other victims could have been saved in early
>hours."  (New York Times, "Pentagon toll at 190," September 14,
>URL above.)
>Needless to say, every alarm was a false alarm.  Every one.
>This from an Associated Press report of September 17, 2001:
>"Recovery of the 188 victims of the terrorist attack on the
>neared the halfway point Monday as officials began relieving
>exhausted search and rescue crews . . . Teams from Fairfax
>Va., and Montgomery County, Md., first on the scene after the
>hijacked airliner crashed Sept. 11, were being replaced by a
>and rescue unit from New Mexico . . . 'Certainly it takes a toll
>the men and workers in there,' said Tom Carr, leader of the
>Montgomery County task force. 'We have to admit that.'
>"But Carr described the rotation of search crews as standard
>for a prolonged effort like this. He said the reduction in the
>of crews at the Pentagon of four to three indicates that work to
>stabilize the damaged building is nearly complete."
>Notice the numbers of rescuers were being REDUCED, on or before
>Six, September 17, 2001.
>"Recovery of the bodies is expected to take much longer. Pentagon
>officials said the remains of 88 victims had been removed by
>Much of the recovery effort overnight was concentrated in the
>area where the roof of the Pentagon's outer ring collapsed."
>("Exhausted rescue teams relieved at Pentagon," September 17,
>cached at:
>So here we are, six days after the disaster, and they have just
>started "concentrating" on the roof?  WHAT??  Have a look at the
>photo again.  On September 12, the roof was within easy reach of
>cached at:
>"'We've been finding bodies throughout the night,' said Arlington
>County fire battalion chief Jim Bonzano. He estimated it will
>another 10 days to two weeks to complete the recovery effort."
>("Exhausted rescue teams relieved at Pentagon," Associated Press,
>September 17, 2001,
>cached at:
>Once again: The Pentagon was just five stories high, and the hole
>left by whatever happened on September 11 was 70 feet across.
>we've just read that it's going to take 16 to 20 days for the
>mightiest miliary force with the most sophisticated and powerful
>equipment at its fingertips to recover the victims?
>Notice that throughout this AP article, the CIVILIAN rescue
>are quoted.  The rescue efforts at the Pentagon should have been
>military effort from Day One.  After all, the 9-11 attack was an
>of war," was it not?
>Let me repeat one sentence from the September 14 New York Times
>article quoted above.  A civilian Arlington County firefighter
>of the time she and her fellows spent at the scene:
>"'We were there about 14 hours straight . . .'"
>cached at:
>Not only is the Pentagon close to Andrews and Bolling Air Force
>Bases, the Quantico Marine Base, but it is also minutes away from
>Ft. Belvoir and Ft. Myer Army bases.  The Pentagon had at its
>thousands of able bodied troops.
>Why were civilians working 14-hour shifts?
>For a remarkably contrasting incident, let's turn our attention
>President Kennedy's Inauguration Day, 1961:
>"Early on the morning of January 20, 1961, Washington lay buried
>beneath half a foot of freshly fallen snow . . . Throughout the
>region, schools, businesses, and factories were shut down, and
>airports diverted inbound flights . . .
>"By daybreak, the military began their takeover.  From Fort
>a heavy armored division of more than a hundred snowplows,
>front-loaders, dump trucks, and road graders crossed into the
>city to
>attack the ice and heavy drifts . . ."  (Body of Secrets, James
>Bamford, Doubleday, 2001, pg. 64.)
>If Fort Belvoir could turn out vehicles to help clear the snow on
>Inauguration Day, what happened to its public spirit on September
>2001?  If rapid mobilization and friendly occupation was no
>in a 1961 snowstorm, why was it a problem on a fine September day
>Instead of sending in real help -- trained aviation fire fighters
>disciplined men trained to work with heavy equipment in tightly
>coordinated teams -- the military sent soda pop and other
>sundries to
>the (civilian) rescuers.  The soda pop was provided by the Army
>Air Force Exchange Service, thus:
>"Mobilizing two 45-foot trailers from its Newport News, Va.,
>distribution center, AAFES has established a field-style exchange
>store that provides rescue workers with free towels, bottled
>soft drinks, snacks, lip balm, T-shirts, socks and other items.
>facility is operating around the clock.
>"'This is just wonderful, just fantastic, how AAFES is supporting
>soldier,' said Staff Sgt. Michele Hammonds, a public affairs
>noncommissioned officer with the Army Reserve's 214th Mobile
>Affairs Detachment, Fort Belvoir, Va.'"  ("AAFES Provides Free
>To Pentagon Rescue Workers," September 15, 2001.  American Forces
>Press Service.
>cached at:
>PR flack Hammonds is gushing about the support being shown
>"soldiers."  But the rescuers were civilians.  Did she fail to
>the anomalies herself, or was she hoping we were too dumb to
>The military also provided "love dogs" and head shrinking
>sessions to
>the bereaved whose "loved ones" were missing.
>"Arlington, VA., Sept. 15, 2001-- More than 300 family members
>loved ones of victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the
>Pentagon have visited DoD's Family (Casualty) Assistance Center
>the Sheraton Hotel here since it opened three days ago, according
>DoD spokesman Marine Corps Maj. Ben Owens.
>"'The first family member arrived at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning,'
>noted. 'They're met at the entrance and escorted upstairs where
>they're interviewed to find out what their concerns and needs
>We ensure they know what the status of their missing loved one is
>provide them with the newest information we have.  Currently, we
>families here looking for more than 60 missing loved ones.' . . .
>"Depending on the family members' and loved ones' needs, the
>provides such resources and services as counseling, chaplains,
>benefits, compensation, transportation, and financial, legal and
>lodging assistance.  Family members are coupled with chaplains
>counselors and taken to rooms for their private discussions.
>rooms are available at the Sheraton, and other hotels in the area
>have offered rooms to handle the overflow . . .
>"'We also have 'stress and love dogs' provided by Therapy Dogs
>International, Inc.,' Owens said.  'We asked for the therapy dogs
>because a family said it would be helpful if we had them.'"
>("Round-the-Clock Center Aids Families, Loved Ones of Pentagon
>Casualties," American Forces Press Service, Sept. 15, 20010.)
>cached at:
>According to the Washington Post, January 20, 2002, "The Last
>(front page, Style section), the entire chain of command of the
>secret Chief of Naval Operations Intelligence Plot (CNO-IP) were
>killed in the September 11 attack on the Pentagon.
>One of the victims was Darin Pontell, who worked in CNO-IP.  The
>reported that two days after the attack, Darin's parents were
>hoping Darin was alive.  Here is an excerpt from "The Last
>Washington Post, January 20, 2001, pg.F1.
>"'Where'd I put my cell phone?  Where is it?' Marilyn Pontell,
>Darrin's mother, grew frantic looking for her purse.  Her Nokia
>chiming 'Take Me Out to the Ball Game.'
>"Marilyn would be sick if she missed that call.  Maybe it was
>about her son.  maybe it was Darin himself.
>"Two days later, Marilyn and Gary Pontell still hoped their
>boy had been spared.  Gathered at Darin and Devora's apartment in
>Gaithersburg on Thursday afternoon, they could barely process the
>idea that he was dead . . .
>"Navy officials gave garbled reports: One person said someone who
>looked like Darin walked from the scene.  Somebody else claimed
>was working far away, in the A-Ring.  An officials said they
>find his Acura Integra in the Pentagon lot ...
>"The Nokia sang again, then silence.  Too late.  when she finally
>to the phone, Marilyn scrolled through the menu.  One missed
>1:57 p.m.  No message.  But the incoming number was clearly
>identified.  It was Darin's.
>"My God, maybe he was alive.
>"For five more days, they waited.  On Sept. 18, the Navy informed
>Pontells that Darin's body had been positively identified.  His
>phone was never returned to the family.  They presume it was
>found.  Perhaps the flip-phone had somehow dialed Marilyn's
>when the rubble shifted.  But didn't all cell phones have to be
>turned off upon entry into the CNO-IP [Chief of Naval Operations
>Intelligence Plot]?
>"The FBI offered a one-word explanation for that call:
>While Gen. Rescue Shelton, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Rabbi
>Zakheim, and Army Secretary White should have been rescuing Darin
>his Army and Navy colleagues from the debris during those early
>frightful days, what did they do instead?
>On September 15, the DoD announced it had awarded a contract to
>Hensel Phelps Construction Company of Chantilly, Virginia to
>the Pentagon.  The contract has a potential value of $758
>according the DoD release, "Contract Awarded to Rebuild the
>cached at:
>Now let's see: Disaster struck on September 11.  According to the
>Emergency Response and Rescue Institute, there may have been many
>living survivors in that rubble on September 15.  Yet on
>15,  the contract to rebuild over the ruins had already been
>Is that bad taste, or what?
>Come to think of it, does it sound as if the damage suffered by
>Pentagon on 9-11 came as a surprise to certain people in the DoD
>contracting office?  Does it sound like the job awarded to Hensel
>Phelps was open to competitive bidding and went through channels?
>How do you spell "fast track"?  Did the Comptroller and
>Undersecretary of the DoD, Rabbi Zakheim, have a role in the 3/4
>$billion award?  Whose friends and relatives will be on the
>end of that?  Surely no one would be tasteless enough to ask.
>As the Emergency Response & Research Institute website told us,
>victims trapped by debris from earthquakes and other disasters
>live up to 12 days.  Do you think that maybe Darin Pontell was
>alive on September 11, when Rumsfeld, "visibly upset," at his
>conference, was swearing there could be no survivors?  Perhaps
>was alive on September 12, waiting for the cranes to lift the
>and free him.  Perhaps he was alive on September 13, when his
>received a call from his cell phone.  Had he been reached in
>perhaps Darin might be alive today.
>Gen. Leave-No-Man-Behind Shelton, Messrs. Rumsfeld, and
>Rabbi Zakheim, and the National Command Center were surely
>accomplices to the murder of Darin Pontell and the others.  The
>simply used different weapons.  They used water, a
>media event, and a wrecking ball.  And lies, lies lies, and more
>However, there is another explanation for what we see, and for
>Rumsfeld's certainty on 9-11 that "there cannot be any survivors;
>just would be beyond comprehension." We'll get to that later on.
>On May 24-25, 2002, the Washington Post ran a two-part story
>concerning seven (7) Special Operations team members who died
>an attempt to rescue another soldier in Afghanistan in March,
>The incident began when a US helicopter attempted to land to
>al Qaeda forces.
>"How it unfolded highlighted the extraordinary commitment of the
>American soldiers not to leave fallen comrades behind: The entire
>episode spiraled out of an attempt to rescue a single SEAL, who
>fallen out of the initial helicopter . . ."  (Washington Post,
>24-25, 2002.  "Ambush at Takur Ghar" series, Part I: "Bravery and
>Breakdowns in a Ridgetop Battle"
>Part II: "A wintery Ordeal at 10,000 Feet"
>There is something very wrong here.  Without a chance to verify
>information for ourselves, we are told a heroic story of events
>far-off lands, first in Somalia, now in Afghanistan.  We are told
>that every individual soldier is precious to the top command.
>Yet close to home, with verification at hand, we see that the
>commander of the Special Operations Command and current Chairman
>the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and other top brass, were actually
>accomplices in the murders of 125 Pentagon personnel.
>Carol A. Valentine
>President, Public Action, Inc.
>Opinion polls and survey questions help the psywarriors design
>efficient lie campaigns.
>Don't answer opinion polls, whether they are being taken by
>establishment media or so-called "alternate" news sources. Don't
>answer opinion polls!  Don't help them fool you or your neighbor.
>Don't answer survey questions!
>911 Lies exposed at 
>*  Merry Christmas, and OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!
>*  Flight Of The Bumble Planes
>*  Did NORAD Send The "Suicide" Jets
>      Parts 1 & 2, "Inside Job" and 'Dumb Blondes"
>* Sen. Levin, NORAD and Chabad Lubavitch
>*  Tooth Fairies and Suicide Bombers
>*  Church of  The Nativity: Who's Who In Staged Siege?
>*  Church Of The Nativity And Waco Paradigm
>*  Operation 911:  NO SUICIDE PILOTS
>*  Tom Clancy Speaks About 9-11
>*  Mike Rivero, Israeli Spies, and 9-11 Diversions
>*  Show And Tell, Mike Rivero
>*  The Taliban Home Video
>*  Osamarina bin Laden
>*  911 Terror:  Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics
>*  Operation Northwoods:  The Counterfeit
>*  Osama bin Surplus
>*  Osama bin CIA Agent
>*  Press Uses Actors In War On Islam
>* Slyly Justifying War on Islam
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