
Iraqi foreign minister to visit Brussels

Xinhuanet 2002-07-12 00:21:12

  BRUSSELS, July 11 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabriwill visit Brussels within two weeks to discuss the possible return of United Nations (UN) weapons inspectors to Iraq, the Belgian Foreign Ministry said Thursday.

  In a rare trip to Europe, Sabri will meet Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel, who told the Senate on Wednesday he had agreed to the visit "despite dissuasive advice from across the horizon" -- a clear reference to the United States.

  Michel told senators in testimony published on Thursday he was opposed to mixing up the fight against international terrorism with the situation in Iraq.

  US President George W. Bush said Monday he would use all available means to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, after branding Iraq a member of an "axis of evil" for allegedly sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction.

  Michel said any US strike on Iraq would cause "extremely serious difficulties" to European governments and public opinion, especially in Belgium.

  He said he would tell Sabri that Iraq must abide by the UN resolutions and allow inspectors in to search for weapons of mass destruction. Iraq has always said it has no weapons of mass destruction.

  Sabri said Wednesday Baghdad was ready to resume talks with theUN to resolve the impasse on arms monitors. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Sabri had spent two days on intensive talks in Vienna last week, but failed to reach an agreement on the issue.

  Michel said he would urge European Union states to launch an initiative on Iraq "to try and create a different formal context."He did not elaborate, but said Baghdad might be more receptive to calls to comply with the UN resolutions if they came from Europe.

  "There exists a political opportunity which the European Union is incapable of seizing today," he said. Enditem

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