
----- Original Message -----
From: "TAYAD Scotland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


   Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front
Date: July 14, 2002                  Statement: 259

The UN Security Council has decided: torture, massacre and rape are crimes:
unless America commits them!

The United Nations Security Council has unanimously decided that, on the
subject of the International Criminal Court which has been under discussion
for a while, it will bow down before the American empire and "grant America
legal immunity for the space of one year". This decision is among the most
shameful in the history of the United Nations. An institution purporting to
guarantee law, justice and peace is hereby declaring to the whole world that
the American empire is outside any rules of law and justice.

Hear, o world: The decision of the United Nations is: all countries,
organisations, leaders, armies and police who practice torture, murder and
exploitation are proscribed and guilty. EXCEPT AMERICA!

Hear, o world: The decision of the United Nations is: we, as the UN Security
Council, recognise America's freedom to commit torture, massacres, plunder,
assassinations, rape and to organise coups!

"Legal immunity for one year", and then what? Will America conform to the
law later on? No, one year later the American empire will discover another
pretext, another formula, and its freedom to torture, murder and plunder
will continue.

The states that approved this decision prostrate themselves on the floor
before the American dollar. On the subject of the International Criminal
Court, America, if it does not get its way, is in a position to threaten the
UN and the states in the UN Security Council that it will cut the supply of
dollars to UN peacekeeping forces. With this decision of theirs, the United
Nations have announced and approved there being no law in the world or among
states that holds any validity other than the LAW OF THE DOLLAR, and
hitherto known classical legal precepts are invalid. The result: whoever has
many dollars also has a right to commit torture and slaughter. The "modern"
and "civilised" world is returning to the laws that held sway under slavery.
Six hundred years before the Christian era, there were the laws of Solon (in
ancient Greece); according to Solon's laws, "the rights and duties of
citizens are determined according to how much property they possess in terms
of land"...

Whoever had more land or wealth also had correspondingly more rights and
legal protection. The world in which the American empire exercises
sovereignty is a barbarous world. The United Nations have SOLD justice,
rights and the law for dollars! Justice has been sold to America for money.
How will these United Nations then have the nerve to stand up and talk of
"terrorism" and "violence"? Do such as these have a right to accuse or
criticise any country or organisation?

Everyone can be judged, but America is exempt! It is clear that those who
took this decision, like those who took decisions against Iraq, Yugoslavia
and Afghanistan, will take decisions in future of a similar character, and
these too will possess no legitimacy whatsoever. This institution has
announced that it is not the "United Nations", it is the Organisation of
American States.

Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi
(Revolutionary People's Liberation Front)

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struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

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