Just some more facts on Opus Dei (i.e. "God's Work") and its founder, who are currently being cannonized by Pope Jean Paul II (the CIA pope, who has supported fundamentalist revivals in East Europe, was vigourously anti-communist, and cannonized Alozije Stepinac, the head of the Catholic Church during the clerical fascist puppet regime of Ante Pavelic in the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945)):

- Opus Dei was founded in 1928 and it was very warm - to say the very least - to the ascendent fascism of the era
- the organization is strongest in Latin America, it has been a central and secretive hub for Latin American military dictatorships, business and financial elites, and high-ranking personalities
- it is an elitist institution, with racialist undertones, and supremecist rhetoric
- the pope described Father Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer's teachings as "current and urgent"
- the Pope is known to sympathize with Opus Dei and it teachings, some accuse the organization of undue influence over the Pope and affairs in the Vatican (since it is considered marginal by most Catholics)
- those living in countries where Opus Dei has a strong presence - like Italy, Spain, and Latin America - accuse the organization of constantly attempting to exercise undue influence over both Church and State
- this week Mr. Aznar's right wing government has used state TV to eulogize Mr. Escriva, forcing one Socialist deputy to quip, "[this is] a clear example of what the PP [the Popular Party, led by Aznar] understands of public service: to broadcast a program as if we all vote for the PP, go to Mass and belong to Opus Dei"
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